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Min Yoongi

He was nice.

He really was.

At least that's what Jimin thought.

He was nice to Jimin at least.

He was his boyfriend.

Jimin groaned as he woke up and stretched while sitting up in his bed. He looked to his side and sighed as he saw the empty space beside him.

He was gone again. It was basically a routine. They would fall asleep together all cuddled up but the next morning he's gone.

Jimin went downstairs and lazily made himself cereal for breakfast. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Out of curiosity he skipped to the news channel to see what's going on.

"Just yesterday night a man by the name of Choi Minho was found dead in the park. Reports said he was stabbed multiple times. The police were left with no clue of who did it." Said the news reporter.

Jimin sighed for about the hundreth time this morning as he ate his cereal. This was just one of the many murders that has happened just this month and the criminals nowhere to be found.

It made Jimin sad and angry. Sad for the family and friends of the murdered persons and angry at the cold hearted person that would do something like this.

Ring Ring

Jimin was snapped out of his thoughts by his phone ringing. He looked and saw it was his boyfriend Min Yoongi. He smiled widely as he answered it.

"Hi yoongi."

"Hey baby. I called to tell you that im over at Tae's so you dont get worried."

"Oh okay. But why'd you go to Tae's so early."

"He said it was really important. Turns out he just wanted to play overwatch cause Jungkook wouldnt."

"Ha ok bye."

"Bye baby see you soon."

Jimin hung up the phone still smiling. Tae was so silly. No wonder he was Yoongi's bestfriend. They were both so silly cute and funny. Such good  people.


At Tae's House

Yoongi sighed as he put his phone down. He hated lying to Jimin but he couldnt tell him the truth. He gripped his hair in frustration as he groaned.

Tae looked at him with a worried exoression. "Yoongi. Are you okay?" asked Tae and Yoongi sighed. "I had to lie to him again. I feel so bad for him Tae. I dont deserve him." said Yoongi.

"Its not so bad Yoongi at least your not cheating on him." said Tae. "I know but what im doing is even worse." said Yoongi getting up from the couch.

Tae held on to his arm as he stood up as well. "Yoongi you know why we do this. We need this. Its our way to get rid of stress. You love Jimin and I love Jungkook but just like how other persons drink and do drugs we do this to relieve our stress. So that we dont take our anger and frustration out on them. Remember Yoongi we're doing this for them." said Tae letting go of Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled as he remebered why he was doing this. For him and for Jimin. He was doing this to help their relationship and himself. What he was doing was good. Yeah good.

Later in the night.

"JIMIN." shouted Yoongi from the door way and he saw Jimin walking towards him. "Yes Yoongi-ah?" said Jimin then he realised Yoongi was going somewhere and he slightly pouted.

"Tae and I are going out. I'll be back soon. Its only 7:00 pm so ill be back by 9:00pm." said Yoongi and Jimin slightly nodded.

Yoongi kissed Jimin before heading out. Jimin turned around and walked to the couch sitting down. He was bored and decided to call Jungkook.

The phone rang a few times before Jungkook picked up.

"Hey Kookie."

"Hi Jiminie what's up."

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie."

"Sure I'll be there soon."

"Bye Kookie."

"Bye Jiminie."

Jimim hung up the phone as he turned on the TV to Netflix looking for a good movie.


"Are you ready?" asked Yoongi. Tae nodded.  "Ive been really frustrated lately so lets have some fun." said Yoongi. Tae smiled as they headed off.

To have fun.

A/N: Hope youre enjoying. Im gonna be posting once or twice everyday. Byeeeee

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