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The Next Day
At Yoongi's House

"Jimin-ah. Im going out with Tae." said Yoongi standing at the front door.
"Ok bye." Jimin took out his phone and dialed Jungkook's number. After a few rings he picked up.



"They're going out now so you follow Tae and i'll follow Yoongi until they meet up Yeah?"

"Yeah perfect. Bye."


"They're just standing there." said Jimin. "Shhh. It's only been like 10 minutes be patient." responded Jungkook. "Look. They're moving."
said Jungkook.

Tae and Yoongi walked up to a boy that looked around their age. "Who's that?" asked Jungkook and Jimin shrugged. "Maybe their one of their friends or-" Jungkook was cut off as he and Jimin stared wide eyed at what happened.

Tae and Yoongi just took turns stabbing the boy to death. They screamed and Tae and Yoongi's heads whipped around to see their boyfriends looking terrified.

"Shit." cursed Yoongi as he tried to come up with any way to get out of this. "Ok...um Tae you go get rid of evidence like we always do and um.....i'll deal with this." said Yoongi and Tae nodded and walked off.

"Ok boys calm down ok......you dont understand." "UNDERSTAND. UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU JUST......YOU JUST - JUST KILLED HIM. HE'S DEAD YOU KILLED HIM." screamed Jungkook.

"Y-yoongi.....why would you.....how could you.....what'd he do." asked Jimin crying. Yoongi sighed. "Nothing. He did nothing." "THEN WHY'D YOU KILL HIM." screamed Jungkook. "Look let's just go home and talk about this yeah?"

Both boys nodded too terrified to really think. They walked home as both boys trailed behind Yoongi. They went to Yoongi's house and Tae had joined them having took a short cut.

"So....look....what you saw its not what you think." said Tae. "We think you murdered a innocent person." said Jungkook. "No one is innocent." said Yoongi and Jungkook scoffed. "You said he did nothing." said Jimin.

"What if the persons we killed couldve been the cause of your death." "PEOPLE. AS IN MULTIPLE YOU'VE KILLED - wait. Its you two you guys are the murderers for all those people."

"why would you do this." said Jimin looking down. "We need to. It helps us. Its our stress reliever. Its our drug."
"I cant believe this. Have you thought of the consequences of your actions how those persons families felt."

"We dont need your lecture Jimin we know what we do is wrong but it helps and we like it." said Tae. "Your despicable." said Jungkook.

"Pyschopaths." said Jimin and both Yoongi and Tae scowled at the word. "What'd you just call us?" ask Tae. "PYSCHOPATHS.".screamed Jimin. "Your pyschotic."

Jimin got up and walked to the front door but was frozen when he saw a gun pointed at his head by a boy a bit older than him. The boy evidently had been crying and his hands were shaking. Jimin slowly backed back into the house as the boy walked in closing the door.

"Who are you." asked Yoongi. "Hoseok.....Jung Hoseok." "What do you want."


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