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Yoongi and Tae stood by a wall casually talking. Then someone walked up to them. "Who are you?" asked Tae. "Im Hyun. Do you guys know where seventy third avenue is." asked Hyun. Tae looked at Yoongi and he was smirking.

Yoongi walked behind the boy. "Im not sure where it is." said Tae and the boy sighed and turned around. When he faced Yoongi he gasped as Yoongi grabbed him by the neck.

"You're a good person you know. You're gonna make me happy" said Yoongi then he reached into his jacket and pulled out a knife. Hyun gasped and his eyes went wide when he saw it.

"Please. No. I havent done anything wrong. Please dont-" Hyun was cut off by Yoongi stabbing him in the stomach. Yoongi smiled as he pulled out the knife only to put it back in. Hyun gasped for air as he tried to stay alive.

Yoongi pulled the knife back out as he stepped back. Hyun fell to floor still gasping for air. Tae stood over Hyun and stabbed him multiple times. All while laughing.

After they killed him and a few other random strangers at different places they went to a river side and threw their used weapons in the river then they started heading home.

" They all looked so freaked out. Begging us not to kill them" said Tae as they both laughed. "Yeah it was so fun. Its also much easier to kill one at a time at different places" said Yoongi.

Then Yoongi's phone rang. He saw that it was Jimin. He answered it.

"Hey babe whats up."

"Yoongi-ah its 9:30 arent you and Tae finished hanging out yet."

"Yeah were on our way back."

"Ok Jungkook is over. So hurry we miss you both."

"Bye baby."


Yoongi hung up and him and Tae headed home. When they got home they snuggled up with their boyfriends on the couch as they watched a movie.

As the movie ended Jungkook yawned signalling he was tired. "Hey guys were gonna head home." said Tae. "Bye." said Yoongi and Jimin at the same time.

Tae and Jungkook left  as Yoongi and Jimin headed to their room. Yoongi took off his  jacket and put it down but when he took off his shirt he noticed a red stain which was blood and he quickly washed the spot out and put the shirt in the pile of clothes that should be washed.

"So what did you and Tae do tonight?" asked Jimin as he got in bed. Yoongi silently sighed as he knew he'd have to lie.

As he remembered the lie he and Tae had made up he climbed in bed next to Jimin. "We went to an arcade." said Yoongi and Jimin giggled slightly as they were 23 year olds in a gaming arcade.

"Goodnight baby." said Yoongi and Jimin hummed in response. They cuddled each other to sleep but just before Yoongi fell asleep, Jimin spoke up. "Stay till I wake up." said Jimin and Yoongi answered a 'yes' since he didn't have any other "fun" plans for the morning.

The Next Day

Jimin woke up and smiled as for the first time in a long time Yoongi was still cuddling him.

"Yoongi-ah." said Jimin slightly shaking Yoongi. Yoongi groaned as his eyes slowly opened.

"Lets eat breakfast." said Jimin getting up and going downstairs. Yoongi got up, stretched and followed him.

Jimin made them both cereal as they sat down on the couch. Jimin changed the channel to the news.

"Last night 4 boys were found dead. They were stabbed to death and once again the police have no clue who did it." said the news reporter.

"This is so sad and the fact that they dont even know who did it just makes it worse." said Jimin. "I really hope they find the person or even persons that did it and sentence them to death." said Jimin eating more of his cereal.

Yoongi's breathing hitched by Jimin's words. Yet he still didnt feel one ounce of guilt. Thats the sad part he never felt guilt for what he did. He only felt guilt for lying to Jimin. "Im gonna take a shower." said Yoongi getting up as he put his bowl in the sink and went to take a shower.

A/N: Unedited. So tell him if they're are grammatical errors. Bye. Also this is the last update for today.

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