Broken Isn't the Same as Unfixable

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Also, if you are American, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!

Here we go!

Jace POV

Well..... that was..... interesting.

I guess I should back up. We have been at CHB for two weeks as of today. Most of the time we were here we were either training the campers or something the magical borders around camp.

Until today, that is.


We were at the arena, assessing techniques. The campers were pretty good, I guess..... I'm getting off topic. Anyway, some random camper came up to us. Trailing behind him were a couple others, all of them looking at us in utter disgust. I analyzed the blond hair and gray eyes. An Athena kid, I thought.

Anyways, this kid walked up to us, his posture just daring us to beat him up. I could feel the others silently asking Jason for permission to kill him. I didn't blame them.

"What are you people doing in my camp?" he asked.

"You're camp?" replied Percy.

"Well duh," he said. "Ever since the kids," he said, waving a hand toward our cabins, "in there left, I've been the camp leader." Judging by the disgusted expressions of the campers around him, that wasn't the case- he just thought it was.

The arena became so silent, you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was watching.

"The kids," said Nico, deadly and quiet, "in there? The kids?" Oh dam, he was seething. That's usually a sign to run if you value your life.

But this kid was oblivious to the danger he was in. 8 highly trained and seasoned fighters wanted to kill him.

"Well, they weren't exactly good fighters. I mean, they're dead now."

"You mean," growled Thalia, "you're dead."

She pounced.

Oh, snap, he was dead.

"Never," she said, seething with fury, holding a knife to his throat," never insult our brothers and sisters".

The silence was broken. "Brothers and sisters?" None of us replied.

Thalia sheathed her knife and got off the kid. Just as he was standing up, she whipped around and punched him, twice, breaking his nose and most likely his jaw too. Then we all left.


I was at dinner now. We all sat at our table with Leo and Reyna, talking and joking like old friends, receiving strange looks. Obviously, the whole camp knew about Thalia's little stunt. Some had even congratulated her on it.

Suddenly, Leo stood up. "Alright campers, just want to remind you we are having a singing contest at the campfire, courtesy of the Hephestus cabin's new MONSTER PROOF TECHNOLOGY! Please sign up with me or Piper if you want to participate."

It was good to see Leo happy.

Annabeth POV

The singing contest was... entertaining. Leo dragged his siblings up to preform Just Like Fire in an off- key voice. When I noticed two cloaked figures slipping away, I decided to follow. With the crowd's attention was riveted on the singing, I followed with my invisibility cap.


I was curious.

I found them in the woods, sitting on a rock, leaning on each other. Silently I approached them, wanting to know what they were doing. suddenly, a heard a noise.

Where they...


The girl then said, "It's so hard to be back here....."

"With him." she said, at the exact same time he said, "With her."

Then, they laughed some.

For a while, they just sat there with a companionable silence filling the air. finally, the girls yawned, then said, "I'm tired. Night." she gave him a sisterly peck on the cheek and then left. The boy followed.

As soon as they were gone, I left, my head filled with a million thoughts. suddenly, I felt a burning sensation in between my shoulder blades. With horror, I realized what was happening, as the grass rushed up to meet me.

Then it all went black.


Ok, so I have this playlist on youtube called Because I want Too- Deal with It, with, well, PJO and HoO character theme songs. Pls look it up!

Look under keywords:

playlists lilly ririe

It should be the first result

Also for u Lunars out there:

Tell me what book my title is from!




Peace out fellow Demigods, Lunars, Divergents, Wizards/Witches, people who draw on their arms koff koff*mortal instrements*koff koff and Shadowhunters!


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