Baby, please?

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Warnings: Feederism, Stuffing, MxM. It is questionable if the consent is given. The character does doubt it at first, but it is given ultimately at the end. However, if you do not feel with consent not being given from the start, please do not read.

Fandom: None.

Basic plot:  Sebastian and Kurt have been in a relationship for a long time, and Sebastian has known for a long time that he's into feederism. His partner, Kurt, however, is completely clueless, and Sebastian tries to convince Kurt how fun and enjoyable his kink can be. He thinks he's pretty successful with the outcome.

It had shocked even Sebastian how long he had kept his secret from Kurt. The two had always been close, even in their childhood, despite only being friends. The fact his secret had been kept so long, however, only aroused him further. The pure innocence of his boyfriend, and the vulgarity and sexual side of him really got him off, and he wasn't entirely sure why.

He had been planning something like this for months. He would say years, but he didn't want to sound so organised, or forceful. Whilst he enjoyed taking pleasure from his kinks, and his more provocative side to himself, he would never implore his fantasy's onto Kurt, seeing as the boy was more milder than him, and held some sort of innocence that Sebastian lacked.  

That being said, he never planned to keep it to himself for so long. He hated secrets within their relationships, they both did, and maybe Kurt would enjoy all aspects of him. They both promised each other that they did, and that nothing would come between them, but could he really be so certain, so sure?

It was one of the few days that Sebastian had the day off. It was also one of the even rarer days that Kurt was at work whilst Sebastian was at home. He wasn't one to enjoy these days as they usually left him in a state of loneliness, yet for some reason he was incredibly excited for this day.

Looking down at the table in front of him, a devilish smirk formed on Sebastian's face. Kurt had messages him minutes before, alerting his boyfriend of his soon arrival. He had promised to have been home by now, and Sebastian knew his boyfriend would suffer the consequence of not keeping his word, whether he knew he would face punishment or not. Sebastian sat at the table, sighing. What was holding Kurt up?

As if by magic, Sebastian heard the door open, followed by the call of an apology. Sebastian smiled, standing up, leaving to greet his boyfriend.

"You're late." Sebastian tutted, pulling his boyfriend in for a hug. Kurt laughed, hugging him.

"Sorry... traffic was bad." He explained, kissing Sebastian's cheek. Sebastian nodded, holding onto Kurt's hand. He led him into their dining room, showing the vast amount of food on the table. Kurt tilted his head in confusion, and Sebastian laughed.

"I made dinner, however you were later than you promised, so I got carried away."

Kurt nodded, apologising once more. Sebastian hushed him, keeping an arm around Kurt's waist. He sat Kurt down in one of the chairs, in front of the plate that had actually been what was planned for dinner, before sitting beside him. They both slowly tucked in to their meal, eating in silence. 

Like normal, Sebastian finished before Kurt. He was a much faster eater, and for some reason, Kurt always had some sort of anxious feeling about eating in front of people. Sebastian didn't mind, but he knew his boyfriend's habit would change pretty soon, whether he liked it or not. Once Kurt has finished, he collected both plates, and went to start washing them, before Sebastian stopped him.

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