Better Ingredients, Better Stuffing - Papa Johns

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Warnings: Stuffing. Feederism. Daddy (Papa) kink. Female!Reader insert. This one was more of a joke thing I came up with that I took a bit more seriously. It's just down-right kinky, so if you really aren't into it, click away.

Fandom: Papa Johns? Does that count as a fandom?

Basic Plot: You're a frequent visitor for Papa Johns. You never expected to meet the man himself, despite eating his food so much, but when you do, you're in for a little surprise.

It was your usual Saturday. You never had lessons on Saturdays, and any assignments you had could wait until tomorrow. Your Saturday rituals always excited you, and you enjoyed your Saturdays much more than any other day.

Saturdays was your cheat day. It was hard, working as an athlete student, and your school definitely didn't go easy. Every day felt like torture, and you often were pushed to your body's limits. You remember the times in the beginning of the semester when you would actually collapse, but it was all worth it. Your abs were never screaming, so you overall counted it as a success.

Your Saturdays always involved some sort of pig out. Usually, it would be to Papa John's pizza, usually stuffing your face to appreciate the hard work you put in for the week. Who cares if you should share a pizza? If you're hungry enough to eat one, why should you bother sharing? Like always, your Saturday was no different, and you found yourself on the familiar journey to your favourite Pizzeria, and perhaps your favourite restaurant or take out altogether.

You walked inside the fast food restaurant, your stomach grumbling. You sighed. You hadn't eaten all day, and you could certainly feel the consequences for it. You sighed again, looking at the queue in front of you. You weren't the most patient of people, and your stomach certainly wasn't. 

 You tapped your foot, rolling your eyes. The queue never seemed to die down, and you had hardly moved in the ten minutes of being there. Perhaps you should've called it quits, but before you could walk out, you could hear someone call out.

"Who's next, please?"

You turned around, noticing you were the next person. Hurriedly, you walked over to the cashier, smiling in relief. You relayed your usual order, a couple of pizzas with a large soda, before being asked for the cash, or to pay by card. You handed over the change, knowing the exact amount from the frequent visits.

"Thank you. We hope you enjoy Papa John's finest!" The cheery cashier offered, and you accepted your receipt, along with your order number. You checked over your receipt, seeing a little note left by the cashier. Looking up, you suddenly recognised the cashier. He'd been on all the adverts, and even strangers walking past would know him. Why would you have attracted him of all people, though?

Meet me around the back when you receive your pizza's. Have a great day - Papa John.

You could feel yourself smile, and you giggled quietly to yourself. It was rather stupid, getting worked up over someone like Papa John, but to you it meant a lot. You was acting as if he was some sort of celebrity that had noticed your existence, but to you that was exactly what Papa John was to you.

Startled, you looked up. You swore that you heard your number being read out, and upon looking, you could see the server impatiently waiting for you to notice. You smiled sheepishly, accepting your food before walking out. It wasn't difficult to find the back of somewhere like Papa John's, so you found yourself waiting, leaning against the wall.

Like always, Papa John didn't let you down. He was out of the building quick, and smiled at the sight of you. You smiled back, setting your pizza's and soda to a side. He greeted you, smiling, fixated on the food and drink you had set aside.

"May I at least ask for a name?" He asked. You nodded eagerly, quickly giving him the details he asked for. He smiled, nodding, before picking up one of the pizza boxes. You looked at him, confused, but you would never dare question him. 

"Open wide for Papa" He demanded, taking out one of the slices.

It was your margarita pizza, and it was your personal favourite. You complied pretty quickly, opening your mouth as wide as possible, and he fed you the greasy, yet delicious, slice of his speciality. You moaned, swallowing the slice down as quick as he had fed it to you. He smirked, grabbing another slice. Without warning, he stuffed that into your mouth, and once again you continued to swallow.  

"Such a good girl for Papa." He whispered, feeding you another slice before stroking your hair. You moaned, leaning into the affection. Soon, enough, you had finished the entire pizza, and you could feel your stomach groaning. It was unusual for you; you could usually stomach a whole lot more, but you didn't question your stomach. As well as this, your stomach had already bloated a large amount, which puzzled you.

"Is my baby girl thirsty?" He asked, teasingly holding the soda bottle in front of you. You greedily nodded, ravishing every drop he gave you. He smirked, rubbing his spare hand across your gut, which had been exposed from the amount of liquid and food contained in it. You moaned, arching your back into the stomach rubs. He smirked, continuing to force the drink down your throat, feeling the effects against his hands. 

Soon enough, you had also finished the bottle. You could feel your stomach protesting much harder now, but it had been pushed through worse. He pushed in on your gut, releasing the pent up gas in there, causing you to burp. You quickly apologised, which resulted in him silencing you with a slice of your pepperoni pizza. You moaned, swallowing the slice with little effort. 

Papa John kept feeding you the pizza, murmuring praises as he stroked your ever expanding gut. You moaned, the discomfort in your stomach beginning to overtake the pleasure as you leaned against the wall. You rubbed your stomach, attempting to find some room with little success. Your stomach felt close to bursting, and whilst you know you would've enjoyed it, it would've been too painful.

Before you could complain, he put down the pizza, replacing it with a soda bottle. You groaned, barely able to stand as you slid downwards onto the floor. He smirked, placing the soda bottle to your lips and forcing you to drink. You whined, your stomach gurgling as it struggled to accommodate the liquid. Miraculously, you managed to stomach the entire bottle, and he carelessly threw it down.

His hands immediately went for your stomach, rubbing it, releasing his own pleasurable moans. You smiled weakly, glad that you could please someone who had such an effect on your life. It might have immobilised you temporarily, and left you in severe discomfort, but you'd do anything for Papa John.

He pushed some pressure on your stomach once more, and you moaned at the satisfaction of some room being left in your stomach. Of course, your belching was hardly pleasurable, but you couldn't bring yourself to care that it was so un-ladylike to burp.

"Papa's so proud of you baby." He whispered, stroking your hair. You smiled, nuzzling his hand.

"So happy I can please you Papa." You murmured before burping. He smirked, standing up.

"Papa expects you back next week at the same time. Don't disappoint me, or you'll be punished with much worse." He demanded. You nodded, and before you could ask for some help to leave, he left you, returning into the building.

You groaned, managing to pull yourself onto your feet, almost toppling over at the added weight to your front. There was no way you could walk back home in this state.

It was going to be a long night. That was for sure.

Hi my lovelies! I managed to squeeze this out on time for you all, especially seeing as we're almost at 100 reads. Thank you all, and I hope this satisfied you until next Sunday! Can't wait. Don't forget to make requests if you have something in mind! Love you all!

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