1. Changed

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Pshh! Back then, if you would have told me you were obsessed with a boyband, I would have laughed right at your face.

I didn't get why girls get so mental and obsessed. To me, they were just another teen fad which mostly resulted to screaming young girls and hate and drama in their fandom. I hated drama, so I just steered clear out of them. I didn't need any more drama in my life.

I remember making fun of my youngest sister, Hazell, on her obsession with the Jonas Brothers. I just didn't get what was so obsessing and fascinating about them. The band's music was decent, but the curly-haired trio didn't impress me.

But then came the day I saw One Direction. They forever changed my opinion about boybands. But little did I know that they will forever change my whole life! I remember asking Hazell about One Direction. She always stayed on top of the latest trends and whatever was popular so I knew that she knew about them. I had wanted someone to talk to about the boys. I wasn't quite sure yet if my older sister, Reyna, liked them.

I quickly got up from my bed and went straight to the kitchen to get a snack. Muching on some Pringles, I then decided to go to the living room where I found Hazell lounging on the couch watching some cheesy sitcom show. Hazell finally noticed me.

"Hey sissie!" She saw the Pringles can on my hand."Ugh, are you eating again? You always seem to be eating, what's wrong with you?" She commented as I made my way through the couch.

I shot her a look. "Well good morning to you too!" I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

She straightened up herself, which made some room for me to sit on the couch. Hazell stretched herself and replied, "Sorry, I just think you eat too much for a girl!"

"Well I don't know about you, but eating is a lifestyle for me." I told her, after munching on some more Pringles.

"Well obviously! Anyways, tell me what you want. i'm in the middle of watching my show here." She sounded a bit annoyed.

"Well I was wondering if you knew anything about One Direction?"

Suddenly, she turned off the telly. "One Direction?"

Her green eyes locked onto mine. Hazell staring at me made me a bit uncomfortable, and I immediately started regretting why I asked her about the boys.

After a full minute of her staring at me, I finally finally broke the silence. "Yes, One Direction.."

Hazell finally stopped staring. She raised one eyebrow up, and she was looking at me with a questioning glare. "What do you want to know about them?"

"Well, actually nothing. I just wanted to talk to you about them." I replied, looking at the ground the entire time.

Hazell finally caught up. "Ohhh! Oh my gosh! You like them! You like One Direction!" she screamed. "After all these years, making fun of me because I liked boybands...." She jumped up to her feet and started doing a silly little dance. After she finished dancing, she told me, "How ironic isn't it? You like boybands now! One Direction, to be specific." She flashed a cheeky smile at me.

"I never said I hated boybands, I just didn't get the point of them!" I was clearly defending myself.

"Who cares?! You like One Direction now!" She lowered down her voice, peered side to side and squinted at  me. "Now, tell me, who do you mo-"

Reyna entered the living room and interrupted Hazell. "Good morning lovelies! How's your day today?" Her golden blonde hair was neatly combed, and her blue eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"I was asking Nia something about One Direction before you interrupted me." Hazell replied sourly.

"One Direction?" Reyna's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes! yes! Come sit down with us!" Hazell said excitedly. Reyna plopped herself down right next to me.

"So what are we talking about?" Reyna asked.

"Well, Nia just confessed to me that she likes-"

"Love." I corrected Hazell.

"Right. Nia just confessed to me that she loves One Direction." I heard Reyna gasp. Hazell continued on,  "Can you believe that Reyna? We are all officially directioners now!" Hazell  was definetely fangirling about this.

"Wait, since when did you two started loving them?" I asked both of my sisters. "I never heard you two talk about the boys."

"It's because we didn't want you to be annoyed." Reyna put in softly. "Hazell and I know your hatred for boybands, you know."

"I don't have hatred on boybands!" I tried telling both of my sisters that, but they just completely ignored me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Hazell said waving it off, obviously not caring about what I just previously said. "Now tell us who you fancy the most!"

I felt both of their eyes on me. I didn't even have to think about it. I knew who I love from the Brtish-Irish boyband.

"Well, I love all of them, but I love Niall just a little bit more than the other lads..."

"Aww, our special Irish cupcake!" Reyna said, smiling. "What made you love him?" Reyna asked me.

"Everything about him." I said. I wonder if I sound crazy right now...

"Aw, well Reyna and I feel you sis!" Hazell said. That comforted me.

We spent most of that day talking about the boys. Iv'e never felt closer to my sisters after that.


Hello earthlings!! <3

This is my first EVER story, and I hope you mofos like it! ^.^ I worked hard on this story, but i'm not perfect, so there might be mistakes here and there. If you see a mistake, please just tell me. Don't hate on me. Hate doesn't solve anything! I'll be uploading more soon. In the meantime, I would love to hear your thoughts :)

Vote if you like it :) ,Fan if you're a directioner ∞, Comment if you like it AND you're a directioner! <3

Goodbye for now you beautiful people. <3

Your Potato, Nia :3 <3

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