4. Nerves And Gifts

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*Nia's POV*

After reading the article, I heard Nia ask, "So... What do you guys think?"

I thought about it to myself. I love cooking, but I didn't want to enter. I didn't want to dissappoint my sisters. I'd just probaby lose! They would count on me to win those tickets. And what if I don't win them? Then that means I let down my sisters. And I would hate for that to happen.

"It could work. But who's going to enter for us? It says only one person per household can enter." Reyna said, stroking her chin.

"Uhh, duhh! Nia can enter for us!" Hazell said.

It took me about 3 seconds to process what Hazell said. When it did though, I just stood there, shocked. Then all of a sudden, i heard Reyna said something.


It was as if Reyna's voice had broken me out of my weird trance.

"What?? No! Of course not! Why me?" I shouted at both of them.

"Because dear.. You love cooking, and you love food. And, you're a pretty good cook! We might actually win this thing!" Hazell said happily.

"Yeah, I Agree with Hazell. At least try to enter. What have we got to lose?" Reyna said, agreeing with Hazell.

"Well, we're going to lose £25. But the proceeds go to a good cause anyways." Hazell said thoughtfully


"I'm actually starting to think we were meant to attend that concert!" Hazell said after squealing and fangirling.

I stared at both of them, too lost for words. Should I do it? We have nothing to lose.. Might as well try, you never know what will happen....

I sighed heavily. "Well, I can't believe i'm saying this...." I paused for a moment. "Yes, fine. Whatever, i'll do it. But don't be bummed out if I don't win it okay?" I warned both of them.

Reyna and Hazell both cheered. They both jumped up to their feet and hugged me, nearly suffocating me.

"No! You will win this thing! I gurantee you dear, you will win this thing!!!" Reyna said, trying to encourage me.

"Nia, you love food, you love cooking, and you love the boys! Isn't that enough motivation for you to win this?!" Hazell said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Well, i'm not going to lie. I really want to win this cook-off. But for now, don't put your hopes up." I said, trying to be realistic.

"Well what are we doing? Call that number! There's only 20 spot available and i'll be damned if Nia doesnt get a spot!" Hazell said, racing to find the phone.

Hazell called, and to our relief, we got the last spot available. So for the next two days, Reyna and Hazell pushed me to cook, study, then cook again. I thought that this kind of training was quite ridiculous and unneccesary. I thought that they were doing this just so they could get some food out of me. But when I tried to accuse them about it, they always rejected and said it was my training to win the cook-off.

"Your cooking is already very good Nia, but everyone can always improve." Reyna reasoned.

It was finally the day of the cook-off, and I started regretting why I even agreed to this. Hazell and Reyna were ready, and they were already downstairs chatting about the boys. Meanwhile, I was upstairs in my bedroom trying to decide what I should wear. I debated between a pencil skirt with a graphic tee, or skinny jeans with a green tank top. I finally settled in with the skinny jeans and green tank top, because they were way more comfortable, and they were my old clothes, so if I got a stain on it while i'm cooking it wouldn't matter as much to me. I didn't do anything to my hair as usual, and I didn't put on any makeup. I decided to put on some atheltic shoes because I figured that since i'll be cooking, i'll be standing up and moving more than usual. I prefered being comfortable than being fashionable.

I dashed down the stairs, and I saw Hazell and Reyna still chatting. I could hear they're arguing about something. Well, they weren't really fighting, they were just debating.. As I got closer, I heard what their heated up debate was about. Eyes. That's right! Their argument was about eyes. Hazell thought green eyes were better, while Reyna thought brown eyes were dreamy. Hearing them debate about eyes, made me stressed out than I already was. As soon as they saw me though, they stopped debating. Reyna saw me first.

"Girl, what are you wearing? What if the boys happen to be there and they see you wearing that?"

"This outfit is really comfortable, I don't care." I said, not giving a flip about what she just said.

"Whatever. So come on! Are you ready to win that cook-off?!!"

Reyna said enthusiastically.

"Yeah. Let's go!" For the first time, I wasn't scared or nervous anymore. I had confidence in myself, and I know i'm going to do win those tickets.

"Wait! Before we go, Hazell and I want to give you a little something."

I was shocked. "And what would that be?"

Hazell grabbed a box from under the kitchen table and she shoved it into my arms.

"Open it up and see for yourself!"

I put the box on top of the table and I took off the lid. Inside, I saw the cutest apron ever. It had a shamrock print with the words "Kiss The Cook" sewed delicately on the apron. I smiled at the sight of it.

"Awww! Thank you guys! This was a really thoughtful gesture!"

"You're welcome!" Hazell said, sounding perky. "Reyna and I saw it while shopping one day and we thought it was perfect for you!"

"Aw, that's sweet of you guys!" I was lucky to have sisters like them.

"Try it on now! We wanna see if it fits!" Reyna said, clapping her hands with glee.

I tried it on, and tied the strings in the back.

"It fits perfect!" I smiled cheekily to both of them.

Hazell squealed. "That looks really cute on you!"

"Come on! Let's go! We don't want to be late for the cook-off!" Reyna said, rushing me and Hazell.

We left the house, and made our way to the where the cook-off was going to be.


Hello Earthlings!! <3

I'm sorry it's a short chappie again, but I promise i'll upload a long one sometime today. If not, tomorrow. How are you guys loving the new cover? I love it! I didn't make it though, Aureliaa did! Massive fan of her fanfic, If I Told You. You guys should read it, she's an amazing writer! :D And yeah, I know the boys haven't made an appearance yet but I promise you they're going to appear in the next, long chapter!! ^_^ How are you mofos liking the story? I would love to hear what you guys think! :)

Vote if you like it :) ,Fan if you're a directioner ∞, Comment if you like it AND you're a directioner! <3

Goodbye for now you beautiful people.

Your Potato, Nia :3 <3

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