Chapter 16

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In the last chapter:

I got up and started walking to the stairs when Zach's voice called out, "Sophie! Help! Please..." I turned and looked at the boys' worried faces and then sprinted up the stairs, praying that nothing bad had happened.

Chapter 16:

I ran upstairs as fast as I could and went two steps at a time. I saw Zach's door slightly ajar and I walked up to it. I hesitantly reached my hand out and walked inside. I heard grunts of pain come from inside.

I quickly opened the door to see Zach with one knee up to his chest and the other folded into his bottom. He sat like this on the bathroom floor while holding his injured arm. Blood was pouring out of his arm and I immediately ran over to him.

I crouched down to his level and said, "Zach! Oh my god what happened?!" He groaned in pain again and said, "I was trying to exchange the bandages but I guess they hadn't fully healed yet! Please help. It hurts so much."

He was crying by now. I ran out of the bathroom and yelled downstairs. "Guys!! Jack! Bring me some bandages and disinfectant please! Quick!!!" I heard talking and commotion from downstairs and decided they'd figure it out.

I went back inside the bathroom and saw Zach trying to stand up. I watched as he toppled over but ran and caught him before he smacked his head open on the ground. I sat him down on the toiled after I put the full lid down.

I got a small towel out from one of the cabinets and wet it under the sink. I brought it over to his wrist and washed it down with the towel. He couldn't walk over to the sink because he was too light-headed. I kept rinsing the towel out in the sink and blotting more blood.

Finally Jack and the rest of the boys came upstairs and saw Zach. "About time!" I yelled. I grabbed the disinfectant from Jack and quickly wiped down Zach's cuts. "Argh!" Zach said groaning. He was sweating and crying really hard right now.

Jack handed me the bandages and Daniel helped blot more blood away while I put the bandage in place. Corbyn was helping hold Zach upright while Jonah held the things we weren't using since there weren't any counters near the toilet.

I quickly patched up Zach's cuts and he sighed with relief once I finished. Everyone moved out of the way so I could look at Zach. My hands were red with Zach's blood all over them. Zach looked down at them but I wasn't paying attention to them. He slowly and slightly incoherently said, "I-I'm s-sor-rry-y S-op-phieee."

I cried now and said, "It's fine. I don't care Zach!" I walked over to the sink and washed my hands. Within a few seconds, all traces of the blood were removed from my skin. I wiped them down with a clean towel and told the boys to move Zach to the bed.

"Ok," replied Jonah and Daniel. They both helped him walk over and set him down on the bed. Jack propped some pillows up so he could sit upright. I walked over to Zach and looked at him sadly.

He looked at me and gives me a tired smile. "Sophie..." he started to say. "Shhh. I'm here," I reply. He smiles at me and we both lay next to each other for another half an hour, while the boys left.

Afterwards Zach says, "Hey, let's get up now. I'm feeling better. I don't want to waste the whole day." "Are you sure? I don't mind," I said. He nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back and he got up.

We both walked downstairs to see the boys playing on their guitars and singing songs. They were just figuring out melodies and stuff for future songs. The boys all stood up and looked at us. Zach and I looked back at them.

"Ooookay..." I said breaking the silence. "Let's pretend nothing happened. Zach and I have some talking to do and we can figure out all the details later, but for now, let's go back to how everything was before," I said giving the boys a look.

Corbyn recovered first and said, "Yeah. What should we do today?" Jonah spoke up and said, "How about a Harry Po—" "NO!!!" we al exclaimed at the same time. Nobody wanted to have a Harry Potter marathon anymore. Sorry Jonah.

We all finally decided on playing a board game. "What game should we play?" I asked. Jonah replied with, "I have this Harry Potter ga—" We all flared at him and shook our heads quietly.

He quieted down and pouted. I looked at the other boys and Jack finally said, "Hey, we have a few boxes of battleship. We could play that. Before we had an uneven number of people so we usually would have one person not playing but now it's even!"

All the other boys nodded their heads along and agreed with Jack. I nodded my head too and after a few minutes, it was decided that we'd play battleship.

We set up a table and all sat on the floor. I was in between Jack and Daniel. On the other side of the table sat Zach in front of me with Corbyn going against Daniel and Jonah against Jack.

We all spread out our ships and Jack said, "Ok. Ready, set, go!" I scrambled around for a second before realizing this wasn't a race. I looked up at Zach who watched me with one eyebrow raised. I blushed and said, "You can go first."

He nodded and said, "B2." I shook my head and watched as he put a peg on his board. I thought and randomly decided on, "D7." Zach looked up at me in shock and nodded his head. I looked at him in surprise and said, "Really?"

When he nodded, I squealed in delight and guessed again. Within a few rounds, I'd knocked that ship down. But Zach wasn't bad either. He had already halfway sunk a boat of mine. I groaned as he hit another piece of my boat.

Zach cheered and kept cheering until I finally hit another one of his ships. I knocked down the biggest boat available in one turn! Zach looked defeated and didn't cheer excessively for the rest of the game.

After about an hour of playing, we all had finally finished. We all of us except for Zach and I. Everyone was rooting for Zach to win except Jack. He knew I'd always been very good at board games, especially strategic ones such as these.

All the other boys though Zach would win because he rarely lost. I laughed and told myself not to get too cocky. Otherwise I knew I'd lose for sure. I kept my head into what I was doing and after another few minutes, I finally knocked down Zach's final ship!

Zach still had one 2-piece boat of mine to knock down but he never got around to sinking it since I'd won. Jack cheered for me while all the other boys looked at me in surprise. In the end, the cheered for me too. We all laughed and decided to order some postmates salads from Panera bread.

The day has definitely took some twists and turns. But in the end, everything was fine and everyone was happy. I was calm and at ease. Until I realized that I still had to talk to Zach about how he felt about all this.

So guys? This started out heaven but ended up being truly lighthearted. I actually really liked this chapter. Battleship is a game that I loved and still do to this day. I never played it very often and I wasn't amazing at it or anything. But I definitely beat a lot of people. I don't have a lot of luck but I'm pretty strategic if I do say so myself. Anyway, I wanted to incorporate a little bit of a fun gesture to this chapter and thought a game night would be perfect! ♥️

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