The blackest white

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Nightmare was scared. He couldn't control his body. It was like another entity had taken over him. He couldn't scream. He couldn't cry for help. All he could do was float motionless in the black abyss of his new body.

Suddenly he could see again. His body was slowly walking, shaking with every step. He was following a bright light on the horizon line. Nightmare tried desperately to move, to regain control of his body, but to no avail. He looked through the eyes of the creature, as the light was revealed to be some kind of rip in the worlds fabric. Nightmares body stepped into the void, his eyes being blinded by the strong white abyss. Nightmares body was becoming weaker with every step, he was trying so hard to regain control, there was no point. The black slimy being dropped to the ground, making nightmare panic. He was scared. He didn't want to be seen like this. Naked, corrupt, weak, hungry, and covered in blood.

As time passed, minutes turned to hours. With every passing minute nightmares new body was beginning to resemble a skeleton more and more, and the black nothingness he was floating in became smaller and smaller. All nightmare could do was think. Was this really happening? Was he home in bed having a nightmare? No. He can't have nightmares. Did he really destroy the tree? Maybe it just needs to grow back the apples. No. That's not how it works. All he could do was cry, as the hours passed.

          -Super amazing time skip-

Nightmare had managed to fall asleep. Either from exhaustion or the hope he won't wake up, he didn't know. His body was squeezed inside the blackness making it harder and harder to breath. Nightmares eyes slowly opened. He tried to move. Nothing. The blackness was pressing down against his chest, making him want to gasp for air, but he couldn't. The darkness had weaved its way around every bone in nightmares body, slowly closing in on his soul. Nightmare couldn't continue. He couldn't stay like this. He continued to cry, his soul was enveloped by the darkness, as he gave in.

           This was who he was now

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