Wake up buttercup

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Nightmare listened carefully to the humming, his mind about to go blank. Nightmare sat up, then stood. He started to walk up the stairs and lust followed "honey? Is something wrong?" He asked and nightmare walked into lusts room. He grabbed something off the night stand and made his way back down to the couch. Lust and papyrus gave each other confused looks. Nightmare sat on the floor next to the couch, tentacles ripping through the bandages and engulfing him in a sort of cocoon. Papyrus took a step back and lust ran down the stairs. He approached Nightmare, and the cocoon started to vibrate. Lust took another step and sharp spikes formed on the cocoon. Papyrus yanked lust back "I think we should leave him alone" he said and lust nodded slowly.
Lust sat on the couch, watching nightmares little bubble as he slowly drifted to sleep.

          -Super amazing time skip-

Lust woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing. He grumbled and picked it up "hello?" He asked. "Lust!! You need to get down here now!! There's this thing attacking people and we need your help!". Lusts head shot off the couch and he looked over at where Nightmare was last night. He wasn't there, the only remnant being a trail of blood leading out of the now open door. Lust jumped to his feet, putting on some pants, not bothering with a shirt. He skidded out the door and started to run in the direction of the blood trail.

As lust ran through waterfall, the trail was beginning to get more vibrant. He skidded around the corner and into hot land. He watched as a large, black held creature a monster up by a tentacle that had been impaled through his chest. Lust stopped right behind the creature just as it ripped the head of the monster off and tossed it to the ground carelessly. Lust stood his ground as the creature turned around to face him. "Hunny, please. You need to stop" he said calmly as the creatures love increased. The creature lifted lust into the air till he was inches away from his face "dO YoU knOw wHO I Am?" It asked and lust shook his head "I don't know your name. But this isn't the skeleton I helped. I want him back".

Nightmare erupted into a manic laughter "I aM tHe fEar yoU haVe eVErY tiMe YoU ClOsE yOur EYes. ThE thiNg THaT eVErYonE sAys cAN't huRt YoU. I aM ThE LiVINg prOof tHat YOu CAn."

"I aM NIgHtmAre"
Sorry it's so short

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