Chapter 3

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~Taehyung pov~

4 days later

"Taehyung, c'mon, get up." My dad said, shaking my shoulder. I tiredly opened my eyes. "Huh?" I asked. "C'mon, today is the day you get your cast off." He smiled. I sat up. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. I hopped out of bed and changed my clothes. I calmed down my hair and and brushed my teeth. I ran downstairs and ate breakfast. We then got in the car and drove to Doctor's office.


I was sitting on the bed, in the room waiting for the doctor. I was nervous to get my cast off, but happy. Soon, the door opened. My doctor smiled. "Hello Taehyung." She smiled. "Hello ma'am." I replied. She walked over to me and looked at my arm. "Ready to get it off?" She asked.. I nodded excitedly. She smiled and nodded. I then close my eyes and she cut it off.... The cast... not my arm....


I happily strolled over to Jungkook's house. His dad was in the living room, solving a sudoku puzzle. "Hello Taehyung- oh, you got your cast off." He smiled. I nodded. "Yeah, we just went to get it off. I'm really happy. Now I can go swimming and take a normal shower." I said. "That's good. Uh, Jungkook is upstairs, as usual." He smiled. "Ok, thank you Sir." I smiled.

I walked upstairs and into his room. He was sitting at his desk, spinning around in his skinny chair. "Kookie!" I exclaimed. He jumped and fell out of his chair. "Tae, don't just barge in here and scare me like that." He whined. I walked over to him and helped him up. Before I said anything, he felt my arm. "You got your cast off...?" He said. I smiled. "I got it off!" I said happily. He smiled. "I'm happy for you!" He smiled, hugging me. He found my lips and kissed me. I kissed back. After a few seconds, we pulled away. "So, what do you want to do, because, you can do anything now pretty much?" Jungkook asked. "I honestly want to go swimming. I haven't been in awhile." I answered. "Me either, now that you mention it. You want to go?" He asked. I nodded. "Um Tae, if you nodded, I didn't see it..." Jungkook said, smirking. "Oh, right, ugh, sorry, yeah let's go." I chuckled nervously. He smiled. "Can you find my swimming trunks, they are in some sort of drawer somewhere." He asked. "Sure." I answered. I found his swimming trunks and walked over to him. He was pulling his pants off. He then pulled off his shirt. I handed him the trunks. He put them on and then got a tank top and put it on. "We have to go to my house and get my car and me some swimming trunks." I said. "Ok." He replied. We walked downstairs. His dad was passed out asleep on the couch. "Your dad is a asleep." I whispered. Jungkook smirked. "Lead me to him." He said. I did. Jungkook lightly touched his dad's arm. He then shouted, "WAKE UP DAD!" His dad jumped and yelled. He fell out of the chair. "Jeon Jungkook, what the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled, catching his breath. Jungkook laughed. I held back a laugh and stood by the door. "Me and Taehyung are going to the pool." Jungkook said, after he had calmed down from laughing. "Ok, be careful." His dad sighed, standing up. "We will, bye dad." Jungkook gave him a hug and walked over to me. We walked outside and across the street to my house. I ran in to get my swimming trunks. I got my car keys and we got in my car. I then drove to the swimming pool.


It was a hot day. Not many people were at the pool. "Wow, not many people are here." I said. "Really? But it's so hot." Jungkook said. "I know, c'mon." I said. He held my arm and we walked into the pool area. We took off our shirts and got sunscreen. Jungkook was sitting on the tanning bed. I walked behind him and started putting sunscreen on him. He flinched, not expecting me to touch him. After I got his back covered, I moved to his chest. I then did his arms and legs and neck. And finally, his face. I then did myself... well, the best that I could. I grabbed Jungkook's hand and lead him to the water. We put our feet in. The water was a pretty good temp. Jungkook the pushed me. I fell into the water. We were in the shallow, so I stood up. "Jungkook!" I exclaimed. He laughed. He was holding on to the rail that was by the stairs. "I couldn't resist." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and quietly got out of the water. I walked up behind him and swiftly picked him up. He gasped. I then threw him into the water. I got back into the water. He stood up. "Meanie." He pouted. I walked over to him and kissed his lips. He smiled. "C'mon, let's go to the deep end." I said, swimming across the pool. "Tae, if I go under, I may not be able to know which way is up and down..." Jungkook said. "Don't worry, I'm here. I you go under, I'll get you." I reassured him. He then started swimming across the deep end. He swam to the wall and held on. "Stay there, I'm going to jump off the diving board." I said. I got out of the water and I walked to the edge of the board. I then jumped and dived into the water. I swam to the surface and over to Jungkook. I engulfed him in a hug and pulled him to the center of the pool. I looked at him lovingly, even though he couldn't see it. "I love you, you know that?" I asked. He blushed. "I know. I love you too." He smiled. I 'awed' at how cute he was. "Wanna play color?" I asked. "Sure, just, d-don't drop me." He said. "I won't Baby." I smiled. I held him bridal style and thought of a color. 'Purple.' I thought. "Ok, go." I said. "Um, yellow?" He asked. "Nope." I said, dipping his head under water. I brought him back up. "Pink?" "Nope." "Red?" "Nope." Blue?" "Nope." I brought him back up for the 4th time. "P-purple?" He asked. I smiled. "Yep." I said. I then flipped him backwards into the water. I brought him to the surface and he coughed. "Your turn." Jungkook said. "Ok." I smiled. Jungkook picked me up bridal style and thought of a color. "Go." He said. "Red?" I guessed. "How come you get it on first try?" He pouted. Before I could answer, he flipped me backwards into the water. I came up to the surface."Ooh, I got it right on the first try, whoo whoo, oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm awesome." I said happily. "Sometimes, I wander why you're a top..." Jungkook muttered under his breath. "What'd you say?" I asked, making my voice deeper and more angry sounding, even though I was smiling. But hey, he couldn't see that. He gulped and sunk in the water a bit. "N-nothing." He said. I smirked. "What. Did. You. Say?" I asked again. He whimpered. I then decided to discard the act, seeing how scared he was. I touched his face. He flinched. "Calm down Kookie, I'm playing with you. I heard you, and I wonder that to sometimes." I smiled, kissing his cheek. He let out a shaky breath and smiled. We swam around a little longer before we decided to go to my house. My parents weren't home so we just walked inside even though we were wet and dripping water everywhere. We walked upstairs and got in the shower. I looked at Jungkook. He was feeling the shampoo, conditioner, body wash and shaving cream. He furrowed his brows, trying to figure out witch was witch. I smiled and lightly grabbed his hand. I kissed his lips lightly and grabbed his waist, pulling him closer to me. He kissed back. I licked his bottom lip. He opened his mouth and I pushed my tongue inside. I heard light moans come from Jungkook's mouth. I let my hands travel down to his butt. I squeezed his ass. He gasped and placed his hands on my chest. I pulled away from his lips and kissed his neck. I sucked and bit his skin. He quietly moaned. I pushed him up against the shower wall. I felt his erection rub mine. I pulled away and looked down. I smirked. "D-don't stare..." Jungkook mumbled. I chuckled and pecked his lips. I then turned him around. "Bend over Kookie." I whispered softly. He blushed and bent over slowly. I rubbed his thigh and lined up. I slowly began to push in. Jungkook gasped in pain and started to breath harder. I rubbed his thigh and kissed his lower back. "Ahh, you're so tight." I said as I pushed in. Jungkook didn't answer. Once I was all the way in, I waited. After 2 minutes, Jungkook nodded. "Use words Baby." I said into his ear, licking the shell after. "You c-can m-move." He said. I then pulled out and pushed back in forcefully. "A-ahh!" Jungkook screamed. I heard quiet sobs. "Baby, do I need to stop?" I asked. "N-no, keep going." He said. I did, but very carefully. After a few minutes, Jungkook moaned. "Mhhh, f-faster." He moaned. I thrusted faster. I found his prostate and slammed into the bundle of nerves. "Ahhh~! T-tae-taehyung!" He screamed. He as really, really, really sensitive. I sped up and continued to slam into his prostate. "Ahh, ngg mhhhh~ T-tae.. s-slow" Jungkook struggled to say. I didn't listen and just pounded into him harder. "Mhhh, T-......" He couldn't complete his sentence. "I have t-to c..cum!" He moaned. I thrusted harder. I felt his legs go weak. I pumped his member and he cummed on my hand. I then thrusted into him harder so I'd cum. He screamed. He was more sensitive after he cummed. I cummed inside of him and pulled out. He almost collapsed, but I caught him. He was breathing hard. 'I guess I was to rough.' I thought to myself. "Jungkook, baby?" I asked. He didn't reply. He was asleep. I washed him off and turned the water off. I got us out and lied us off. I then put him in the bed, even thought he was naked. I then lied down beside him and pulled him close to me. I kissed lips. I then fell asleep holding him.


It was past lunch and Jungkook still hadn't woken up. I was lying beside him, watching tv. I had told his parents that he was staying over and they were ok with it. I sighed and checked my phone. It was 2 in the afternoon. Jungkook squirmed in his sleep. He opened his eyes. "Finally, you're awake." I smiled. Jungkook yawned. "What time is it?" He asked. "2." I answered. His eyes widened. "Dang..." He said. He moved a little and instantly scrunched his face up in pain. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah... you were very rough..." He said. I scooted closer to him. He was still naked. I had gotten me some clothes on. I rubbed his butt and lightly patted it. He gasped. "T-tae, I'm naked..." He blushed. I smirked. I ran my finger across his hole. He held the pillow so tight his knuckles turned white. He was so freaking sensitive. "D-don't..." He whimpered. I smiled and kissed his lips. "You passed out last night. That's why you're naked." I explained. He nodded. I got up and got him some clothes. I pulled the cover off him. He quickly covered his private. "Kookie, I've already seen it..." I sighed. "Y-yeah, but not in broad daylight." He blushed. "Haha, yeah yeah, ok calm down, move your hands tho." I said. He reluctantly moved his hands. I then dressed him. "I could've done that..." He said, obviously flustered. "Sure..." I said, kissing his nose. My phone then dinged. I looked at the screen. "Your parents said you have to come home." I sighed. "I-i can't walk, like, no joke." Jungkook said. "I can carry you across the street if you want..." I said. "If you don't mind..." He answered shyly. "Why are you so shy and flustered today?" I asked, smirking. "Tae.... Last night.... Well, ever since I lost my sight, I-i've been ya know, kinda forgetting certain sights. A-and, when you... ya know, I remember what you looked like. It made me remember you and I'm extremely happy... if that makes since..." He explained. "Y-you mean you've... forgotten some things?" I asked. He looked down and nodded "W-why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "B-because, I was scared you get mad..." He answered. "Ok, I know I get mad, but god damn, I would never get mad at YOU for something like THIS." I said, stressing my words a little. Jungkook nodded. I sighed. "Ok, c'mon, I'll take you home now..." I said, said. "G-give me your phone..." He said. I got my phone without a second thought and handed it to him. "Hey Siri, call Kookie's mom." He said. "Calling Kookie's mom." The phone replied. "M-mom..." Jungkook said. "C-can I please stay with Taehyung.... Please?" He asked. His voice cracked. It honestly hurt my heart to see him like this. He was blind, forgetting stuff and suicidal half the time. "O-ok, thank you, I love you." He ended the call. He held the phone out. I took it and placed it back on the nightstand. I walked around the bed and sat down beside Jungkook. He hugged me. I was caught off guard, but I hugged back. "I-i-i don't w...want to f-forget what you look like! I d-don't!" He cried. "Hey hey, calm down. It's ok, you're gonna be ok." I said softly. I rubbed his back until he cried himself asleep. 'I will figure a way to help him. I don't care if I have to trade eyes with him, I will.' I thought, pulling the blanket over his body.

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