Just an old photo album.

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"Papa, Papa! Look what we found down in the basement" 

The pitter of patter of little feet went along so subtly with the soft crashing of rain against the house windows as suddenly  two little boys emerged from the corridor, one of them carrying a large black photo album with him. Eijun looked up to see his sons, Kazuma and Kazuki, standing before them holding up the album. 

"Oh, yeah... I remember this!" Eijun exclaimed with a smile as the twins took a seat on either side of their father "This was back in Seidou before everyone graduated". He studied the cover of the album and ran his hand over it. It was somewhat dusty and a bit rough around the edges, but it was theirs alright. The photo on the cover was one taken right before their third year senpai's graduation.

"Look Kazu, everyone's there! Here's Papa" he pressed a little finger to Eijun's 16 year-old fce "And there's daddy!" Kazuki exclaimed as he pointed excitedly at Kazuya's face. Eijun let out a chuckle and put his arms around his children, reaching for the cover picture of the album. "This was the first team I got to play with in Seidou guys, so yeah, everyone's here". The children moved closer to inspect it, little Kazuki pushing his glasses up against his nose "You're right! Here's uncle Haru and uncle Ryou" Kazuki moved his small fingers towards the pink-haired twins. "And uncle Yuu and uncle Tetsu!" finished Kazuma, beaming at his father. 

"Ohh, there's a lot more pictures in here you guys" Eijun told them as he turned the cover to the first page

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"Ohh, there's a lot more pictures in here you guys" Eijun told them as he turned the cover to the first page. The first picture there was an instant the he remembered fairly well. It was the first time that Narumiya Mei and Kamiya Carlos had come over to Seidou unannaounced wanting to talk to Miyuki. The training that day had been so brutal that Harucchi, Furuya and Eijun all dropped dead in the locker rooms. To be honest, they had only passed out for a few minutes, but apparently that was all it took to become the aim of Inashiro's ace. Carlos had sworn that he was only dragged into it by Narumiya, but Eijun could tell by the slight smile in his lips that he had thoroughly enjoyed it.

 Carlos had sworn that he was only dragged into it by Narumiya, but Eijun could tell by the slight smile in his lips that he had thoroughly enjoyed it

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The brothers squealed with laughter as they took in the photograph. "P-Papa, why is your face so funny?" Kazuma asked between laughter. "And why is Mei-nii in the picture too?" Kazuki followed, trying to contain his giggles. Eijun smiled but before he could say anything else a familiar warm voice came through the kitchen threshold "Hot cocoa's ready guys". The twins simultaneously shot up from Eijun's side and raced to their dad "Yay! Did you put tiny marshmellows in it?" Kazuma asked. "Marshmellows! Marshmellows!" seconded Kazuki. Miyuki Kazuya smiled, trying to keep his hold on the tray and the balance on his feet "Hold on guys, I don't wanna drop this" his eyes met Eijun's from half way across the room and he gave him his very best Kazuya smile "Let's go over there and annoy papa". They promptly took their seats on the couch, Kazuki on Eijun's lap and Kazuma on Kazuya's. "Ohh, I remember this" Kazuya giggled, handing Eijun his mug "It was right after we got done talking. Hehe, you three looked so cute just sleeping your worries away in the middle of the floor. You guys should've seen your papa back then, he was so-" "wait" Eijun interrupted, putting his mug on the coffee table "You were there?". Suddenly Kazuya seemed to recall that Eijun wasn't suposed to know he had been there in the first place and quickly pointed to another picture "Oh! Ei-chan, remember this one?!" he pointed a finger to a very particular photograph that Eijun had to admit he had forgotten about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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