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*New girl POV*

"Um are you ok?" I asked, twiddling with my fingers. The struggles of social anxiety.

The girl on the floor looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I shouldn't of asked. The hall had fallen quiet everyone watching us. That made me really nervous.
Suddenly the girl who has been kicking that other girl that I was talking to came back. Kicking her hard in the stomach. The girl on the floor whimpered and the bully spat words at her the could burn.

"You useless prick, tryin' to get the newbie to help your sorry ass. Go kill yourself, no one cares anyway" the bully spat.
My anxiety had kicked in by then, I wanted to stand up for her I really did. But this bully girl was making me peak out. The bully walked away her heels making that annoying sound on the tiled floor. I offered the girl my sweating hand but she used the wall and tried to limp away.

I sighed looking down the hall. I have no clue where the office is. Ugh. I glanced around again before looking back at my sorta new converse and turning around I smacked into someone making me stumble backwards.

"Shit! Sorry" the someone with a deep voice came in.
"Um" I covered my mouth and coughed "it's o-okay"
"You sound sick"
"Yeah, because t-that's what every new girl wants to hear on their first day" I said rolling my eyes.
"I didn't mean it like that" he mumbled.
"I know" I mumbled back.

I finally got the confidence to look at his face was gobsmacked. He was gorgeous. He had dirty blonde hair and washed out blue eyes. He was as fit as a fiddle and wearing a football jersey.
His eyes sparkling in the lights...

"Um hello? I said who are you?" His deep voice ringing in my ears
"Oh um... sorry." I said stumbling on my words
"That's ok but I still don't know your name..."
"Oh yer um my name is Molly, Molly Reed" I said as I put my sweaty hand out for him to shake, he looked at it then I pulled it back realising what I just did. Crap, why did I just do that now I seem like I weird nerd thing...ass hole you had one shot at this and you just stuffed it.
"Oh cool my name is Blake, Blake Smith" he looked at me with a smile and I looked back at him and rolled my eyes.
"D-do you know where the um office is?" I asked once again stumbling on my words.
"Yes it's down that hall and keep going started and then...why don't I just take you there it's on the way to the oval."
"Oh really um wow thank you that is the nicest thing that...Um thanks" idiot, idiot, idiot I told my self.
"Haha, that's ok" the whole time we were just talking about random things but than I thought I should ask him to see if he knows who those two girls were
"Um do you know who that girl was in those high heels?"
"Who's she?" Blake looked at me.
"You don't know who Monique is?" He inquired.
"Im new, give me a break" I rolled my eyes again.
"Oh right yer, um well she like 'runs the school' if you know what I mean so like don't get on her bad side then you'll end up with the hole school bullying you...or something like that anyway."
"Oh...so who's the other girl?" I asked feeling like a complete idiot.
"Who?" He looked at me confused,
"Um the um one on the ground that Monique girl was kicking?"
"Oh um that was Chloe" he stated. Chloe, pretty name.
"Why was Monique hurting that girl?" I felt so bad for that Chloe girl, what if she had to deal with that everyday?
"I don't know ok." He looked like something was wrong but didn't want to show it.
"Does she have to go through that everyday?" Ugh I feel like an idiot asking all these questions.
"CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?" He screamed, everyone started staring at us. I could feel the tears threatening to spill.
"I'm sorry ok, I-I just don't k-know, g-goodbye." I turned away. My anxiety churned harshly in my stomach making me feel sick. I could hear Blake telling me to come back but at that moment finding the bathroom was my biggest priority.

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