When my brother came to pick me up and give my friend a ride,I saw something under the street light.Some sort of shadow.I looked around,but there was no body there.I looked at the shadow again,it was a tall and slender figure.Then,it turned it's head to look at me,when it noticed me starring at it.It just ran away,I got immediately frightened and told Ji all about it as we we're walking to the car and getting inside it.She thought I was slowly being driven to madness because of the whole Myrtle situation.I was thinking of that too.Ji sat in the middle back seat while I sat in the passenger seat.My brother was starting to drive off.
It has been a couple of minutes by now.Then out of nowhere something banged the roof of the car that left a huge dent going inwards.Then the right back window broke and something was grabbing Ji,it was trying to pull her out but she had her seatbelt on.It gave up and let her go.Then it started to repeatly beat the car.My brother ordered us to get out of the car.He shouted.
"Run away.I'll try to hold it off"
As me and Ji ran away I looked back at my brother,then I saw him get launched into the air by nothing.Me and Ji ran to a nearby playground in a park.The place was surrounded by tree's.When me and Ji stopped at the swings to catch our breath and to process in our heads what the hell just happened.We looked at the tree's to see something huge push through the branches.It started to come closer, then it made a gargeling sound.Ji didn't know what to do.Then out of desperation she used her telekinesis to push the monster since she could still see it because of the branches.
She sent the monster flying which broke off some branches.We heard it pick it's self up and charge our way.Then I somened some ants and spiders from the tree's and covered the beast with them.It revealed to use how the monster looked like and where it was.It also looked like it was wearing a fancy tuxedo but got ripped and stretched out.Since Ji knew where it was she picked up the monster with her telekinesis and focused,the monster was thrashing about.But then it started to thrash even more,I was starring at it for a couple of seconds when I saw it twist it's neck all the way back.Then it fell from the air to the ground,I retreated the bugs back to there home's and looked at Ji.Then I noticed,Ji snapped the monster's neck.
Ji and I continued to run.Just incase.We ran all the way to my old house.The house was locked along the with the windows.We hid in the shed in the yard that was hidden behind a tree and some plants.We stayed in there and we fell asleep.
When I woke up,I looked at Ji she was already awake.I gave her a casual.
"Good morning".
She said the same thing back.
"I can't believe what I saw last night" Ji said.
"Are you talking about the monster thing,last night" I said.
"Yup" Ji responded.
"I don't even know if that was real or not" She said again.
"Well I think it's real" I said.
We heard footsteps outside.Me and Ji looked at each other.And we looked around the shed for a weapon.Ji found a machete and I found an axe.We heard the footsteps come over to the shed.Ji and I went to the back of the shed,we saw the door open then we charged.We both we're flailing around our weapons.When we saw a lady in front of use we quickly stopped.
"There you two are" the lady said.
"I've been looking for you two all over the place".
"What do you mean!? Who are you!?" Ji shouted at the lady.
"Oh,well alow me to introduce my self" the lady said with a gentle voice
"I am Miss Coopers from Los Angeles,California.And I'm hear to swoop you away to my loop" Miss Coopers said proudly while staring at the sky

Miss Coopers's Home For Peculiar Children
Fanfiction"Ivan Kala" discoveres a new world and embarks on a journey with his friends to save his old and new friends. NOTE:this book takes place in the same universe as the movie "Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children".and this is a new version that ha...