"Ivan Kala" discoveres a new world and embarks on a journey with his friends to save his old and new friends.
NOTE:this book takes place in the same universe as the movie "Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children".and this is a new version that ha...
It was finally Friday and about to become 3:30p.m(which is the time me and my friends were supposed to meet up)and we were supposed to meet up at the plaza.But unfortunately only two of my friends showed up.One was Ji and the other was a friend we meet in sixth grade.Her name is "Myrtle Miller".She is a 5'2ft tall,with short brown hair,she wore a pink shirt and dark blue jeans.what is fun about her is that her parents came from England.When the three of us got together we complained about more friends not coming.and it was a shame that Chlo didn't come.
After that we got ice cream at a coldstone,and took a seat on a bench outside and put some music on our phones.We were also talking for a while,saying how our families immegrated from different places but we were born in Oxnard.like how Ji's mom came from South Korea but her dad is from mexico.Myrtle's came from England,and Chlo's came from France.If only Chlo was here to join in.
When I was in middle school I learned that I wasn't the only one that had a strange ability.Turns out that Ji,Chlo,and Myrtle were strange too.I always thought that we were destined to be friends because of that.
While eating our ice cream I saw a dieing flower
"Hey Myrtle,do you think you can us your power's to heal that flower over there" I said
"But,Ivan we're in public,I can't use them here" said Myrtle
"Come on,we don't ever get to use our powers.You should give yours a little exercise,and plus you can practice your flower healing abilities." I said
"Fine,but cover me" Myrtle said angrily,but you can see that she actually wanted to use her powers.
She put her phone down,got on her knees,and put her hands around the flower.I watched as the black plant came back to life as a beautiful yellow flower that looked like it just bloomed.
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I gave a silent applause.Congratulating her for resurrecting the plant.
When I turned around to look at Ji.She gave me a huge disappointing look on her face.
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"What,what did we do wrong" I said.
"You showed off your power's in public" she said angrily "why else would you think I'm mad".
"Well if it would have made you mad, then why didn't you stop us" I said defensively.
"I just wanted to see if you would have made a responsible decision for once,but clearly you didn't.I mean you don't see me using my telekinesis to lift everybody up for fun." Ji said disappointed
Ji was always the mature,responsible,leader type when it comes to our powers and serious topics.But for the most part,she's cool.
When we finished our ice cream we waited a while for it to digest.After that we got Starbucks.Ji and Myrtle got mochas when I got a weird sandwich thing (that was my first time at a Starbucks).We kept on hanging out til Ji's dad picked her up.
"Bye" said Ji as she left
"Bye" responded Myrtle and I
It didn't take long for Mrytle to get picked up though.But it took forever for me to get picked up.So I waited and waited and waited.But I was bored and had no one to talk to,so I called Chlo.We caught up since we didn't she each other in like,two weeks.
It still took forever for me to get picked up.But when I got home I just went on my phone and went to sleep.