Chapter 8

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“Wait, Harry..” I say, and pull him back to the room. He looks at me with genuine concern in his eyes.

“What is it, love?” He asks.

“I’m not to sure that letting everyone no about us, or, um, whatever we are, right now is such a good idea.” I say hesitantly.

“Why not? What’s wrong with them knowing?” he asks.

“Well, Zayn and I just found out that we were siblings, so he’s bound to be more protective of me than ever, and every time that you’ve had a girlfriend, your so called fans have hated on her so much , that I’m sure they’ve all thought about committing suicide..” I kind of trail off at this.

                        Harry tenses as I say the last part.

“Well, how about this, we’ll announce that we’ve found Zayn’s long lost sibling, and post a picture of you on twitter and see what the fans think, ok?” He asks.

“Ok!” I say, warming up to the idea, “But, um, I don’t have a twitter..”

“What?! Come downstairs, right now! We’re going to make you a twitter!” He says urgently.

                        I laugh at how important he seems to think me having a twitter is, but let him drag me down the stairs any ways.  When we get down the stairs, everyone looks at us with concern on their faces.

“What?” I ask cautiously.

“It sounded like ya’ll  were running from some serial killer, with how fast ya’ll were coming down the stairs, and how loud ya’ll were.” Lizzie says.

“Okay, people, put that matter aside, Avery doesn’t have a twitter!!” Harry screams.

“Oh! My! God!” Louis screams, “Find the computer!!!” then takes off.

                        Everyone takes off, looking for the computer, except for Lizzie and Jason. I laugh at how the guys reacted to finding out that I have no twitter. Niall runs screaming into the room,  “I FOUND IT!!!!!!!” and those three words make all the guys come running into the room.

“Go to twitter, now!” Louis exclaims.

“Guys, guys, GUYS!!!!” I scream, making them stop and look at me. “If this is going to be my twitter, shouldn’t I be the one that makes the account?”

“Oh, you’re right.” Liam says, taking the computer from Niall, and handing it to me.

“Thank you.” I say, walking over to the couch to sit down and make my twitter account.

                        Everyone follows me, and stands behind the couch, watching me. I click the ‘sign up’ button, and type in my name, age, and about me. Then Louis yanks the computer out of my hands and screams, “I’m giving you your twitter name!!”

                        I sigh, I guess I should’ve seen this coming.

“Okay!” Louis screams, bringing the computer back to me.

                        I grab the computer from him and look at my new twitter account and see my twitter name, which is now ‘@Louisisasmexygod’. I sigh, “Really Louis? Really?”

“Uh, duh!” Louis says like it’s common sense.

A/N: soo, the next chapter will be dedicated to the first person who admits that when they’re at home alone, they act like the boys are there with them…lolJ and sorry for the short chapter!!!!!:(

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