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After he went up, the kids and I watched a movie. We watched Despicable me which is actually one of my dad's production and I voiced act for Edith. Romeo even guessed it. Then the kids went to bed, I carried them to their room. And after that, Victoria came home. Before paying me , she asked:

«-How were the kids?

-They were great, except for Brooklyn, he was annoying.

-Oh! I'm sorry. He's not really good at making friends. Please forgive him, I'll pay you 65£ instead of 50.

-Oh thank you so much.

-No problem. You know, I was wondering if you would like to come babysit the kids tomorrow.

-Oh! It'll be a pleasure.»I answered smiling.

«-Be here by 4 pm?

-Sure. »

Truthfully, I just wanted to annoy Brooklyn.

The next day, I went to the Beckhams' house again. I came dressed in Adidas pant, a simple t-shirt and converses. Once I parked my car, I walked toward the entrance and saw the Beckhams' kids playing soccer  outside in the backyard with a coach. I smiled and walked toward them

«-Hi kids!

-Hey Dianna! They said running toward me and wrapped their arms around me, tangling me into an embrace.

-You didn't tell me you guys play soccer. Mind if I join?

-Of course!» said Cruz running toward the ball.

«-I'll be back, I’ll just go pick up my soccer shoes. »

After changing shoes, I went to see the coach:

«-Hi! The name's Cecelia, but you can call me Dianna. Can I also play with you guys?

- I am David, and of course you can! You'll be in Cruz and Romeo's team.» Stated the coach as he shook my hand.

«-Oh thanks! Brooklyn isn't in my team, is he?

-No, he isn’t. Good luck! »

We played and it was fun. I didn't really want to admit it, but Brooklyn is kind of good. But I'm obviously better than him, of course. And he was more annoying than yesterday. He didn't stop bothering me:

«-Come on peanut, my grandma plays better than you! Wow, girls might be weak, but they're stronger than you! Even if I had spaghettis for legs, I wouldn't take a fall like that one! Aw, that's cute! I let you score the goal, purposely. »

He was obviously just jealous. After we finished playing, Victoria told me that she actually just invited me to dine over with them, and not to watch over her kids. While the kids were cleaning up, I quickly went to the store to buysomething to wear. I bought a dark sleeveless dress and matching bracelets. Luckily, I had some mascara and lip-gloss in my handbag. I put some dry-shampoo on my hair (I also found it in my handbag), I let down my naturally wavy hair and put a bow on it. Before getting out of the car, I put my converses back on. I wanted to look good so I could frustrate Brooklyn.

Brooklyn POV: 

I have to admit it, although the fact that she's a girl and tiny, she's kind of good. But that's nothing compare to my talent. Mom told me that Dianna would be having dinner with us, and in other words she wanted me to dress nicely but I wasn’t really fond of the idea so I went with pajamas;  I mean it’s  my house, isn’t it? I can do whatever I want. It's not like it was important anyway. When I came downstairs, my mom glared at me. She told me if I didn't put on ‘proper’ clothes, I won't be having dinner. I groaned as my stomach growled and went up the staircase. I went back up and dressed. I just put on brown pants and a white T-shirt. When I was downstairs, mom told me to do my hair. Come on! Is she serious? Sadly, I didn't really have a say. I went up and gelled my hair then I went downstairs. Dianna was here. I don't want to stare, but she was looking pretty...decent, for once. When my mom went to the dinning-room, Dianna stuck her tongue out to me. How dare she? My blood boiled. I'll get revenge soon.

Cecelia Dianna's POV:

I was well dressed when I arrived to the Beckhams. When Brooklyn came downstairs, he stared at me a bit too long. Ha! I know he's jealous. Victoria went to the dining-room, I stuck my tongue out to him. When we were all seated coach David came and sat next to Victoria

«-He's eating with us too?

-Yes! Why he wouldn't? Said Brooklyn fixing me, if looks could kill, I would already be dead.

-I don't know. By the way, mister you were amazing on the field. Have you ever considered playing professional soccer? » Brooklyn choked on his own food. I guess it would be better if he died. There would be finally peace in the world.

«- If money’s the problem I could help you, you know lend you some money. Just give me a call » I said sipping my drink

The whole family burst into laughter. Did I say something weird?. When the butler came with our meals, Victoria explained to me that David isn’t just coaching the kid. He was also her husband, David Beckham. She started telling us how they met and how it was love at first sight and blablabla.I started getting kind of bored and kicked Brooklyn's feet. He glared at me, his eyes  turning black.

Brooklyn's POV:

I want to kill her; I want to kill her right now! She didn't stop kicking my feet since we started eating. She just ruined my new Vans. When it was time for her to leave, my mom told her:

«- You know, Brooklyn just made it on a professional soccer club, and we’re organizing  a small party to celebrate it. Would you like to come?

-I would love that!

-No no mom! She told me that... she has to see her ...cousin Esteban from Mexico that day.» I said quickly after Dianna answered.

«-No! I didn't say that! And how do you know I have a cousin named Esteban? Anyway when should I be here?

-Be here at 3 tomorrow?

-Hum...sure. Although I think it's kind of early for a party.» She said with her thick British accent.

Why was my mom inviting her? Seriously, this party is not for 13 years old.

Cecelia Dianna's POV:

I didn't want to go to that party. I only said yes to piss Brooklyn off.

The next day, I put on a dress, heels and my grandma's black ring. A hairdresser did my hair and a stylist did my makeup. I thought it'll be a small fancy party, like the one’s I go to normally. When I arrived there, I gave Brooklyn his present and went to sit down on a chair. When I looked across the room, I realized that I was the only girl, and the only one ‘well dressed’. Everybody was dressed in sports clothes. So, I asked Brooklyn:

«-Is there any girl?

-No, I don't think so. » He said smiling at me. « You’re 13, right? So you shouldn't dress like this. »

«-For your information, I'm NOT 13.» I said insisting on the 'not'

«-Okay, how old are you? 12? 14?» He said laughing when some other boys joined him.

«-No! I'm 16.» I replied in a serious tone.

«-Are you serious?» Said Brooklyn while he opened his mouth chocked.

«-Are you that stupid? You saw me drive, didn’t you?»

Brooklyn and all his friends went to play soccer. Of course, I couldn't play, because I wasn't dress for that. Stupid Brooklyn could've called me to say that we were just going to play a game soccer and eat cake and stuff.

I smirked at my idea and went up to his room, I took some clothes: soccer short and a shirt where 'Nirvana' was written on it .I took it because of the cute little smiley face Of course; I had a pair of soccer shoes in my car. I went to get them and then changed. I went back to the backyard, where the boys were playing. Brooklyn looked up and stared at me chocked. Did he really think I would really just go back home? Mwahahhaha (evil laugh)

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