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I'm called Blue.
I know that really isn't a proper name and all that, but that is all that anybody ever calls me. It's not that Blue is the only name I have or had, there is another name that I have been called before, but It's like in the back of my mind silent reminding me that there's something missing. I can't figure it out and I can't remember it, but it's there.

I'm not the only one whose name is like that, although they won't admit to the forgotten one, it might seem too crazy. Anyway, the others who have names like mine are Red, Yellow, Green, and Black. And they are pretty much in the same situation that I am. But I'll get to that later. Who are Red, Yellow, Green, and Black?

They are some pretty awesome people in my T group.

Red, He is a little shorter than me, has really pale skin, black hair that is kinda long making it look like he has a mullet. No wait scratch that, He most DEFINITELY has a mullet not just looks like it, he has it. The way he carries himself makes him look like he just wants to hit anyone within 5 feet of him, but I can vouch that he does not usually just hit people for no reason. Now glare at for no reason, yes; hit, no...well, maybe. Know what never mind....

Green! Lets go to green. She is rather short, has a choppy wanna be pixie cut. I think she cut it herself. Her skin is white, but not as pale as Red's. She has these glasses that she doesn't need but wants to wear. Makes her look like an owl sometimes, I don't know if her neck if flexible enough turn 180°... I'll have to ask her. Anyway she loves tech, and acts like a gremlin sometimes, but she's cool.

Then there's Yellow, the cinnamon roll of all cinnamon rolls. I mean seriously the guy was made for giving hugs and stuff. Although most of them turn bone crushing, but they are great. Yellow is about an inch taller than me and his skin is darker than mine, but not like black... more like he was from a Pacific island somewhere. He has this strip of cloth that might once have been a bandana that he wears to keep his dark brown hair out of his eyes, but the way he wears it doesn't really do much good, I don't know... oh he is always talking about food, it's his passion. Food and hugs those are like his favorite things. And he is the only one who can get away with hugging Red randomly, but he does that to everyone in the T group.

Then there's Black. He could be considered the leader of our little group, sort of... he would never just claim it, but we all look to him to take the lead most times. He is about half inch taller then Yellow. He skin is white about the hue as Green's. His hair black all except for this little tuff of white in the front... we like to call it the Floof. He is older than everyone else in the group, so I guess that's why we like him to lead, and he kindof acts like a dad to us. We all like it tho.

Now that everyone's been introduced.... Time to explain some stuff. Okay, first it will sound crazy and impossible, but hear me out and try to understand please.

Alright, me and my T group... let's explain the situation then I'll explain the T group.
There are some people in the world that have special abilities that let them do certain things that average people could not. I am one of those people. As are the others in the T group. We have special abilities that let us do very cool things, but It is dangerous if any of us loses control of our abilities. That's why we are in a special institution that is helping us learn to control and use our abilities... powers I like to call them but the professors and scientists always say abilities. Anyway, the scientists study us using our powers and stuff and try to figure out ways for us to control or use them better.
Because that there aren't a lot of people with powers out there, means that they are also studying our powers to try to find cures for global problems, disease, and stuff.

Now, because we have powers, we aren't allowed out into the public until we have full control and so on. I have been here for as long as I can remember, even though there's not a lot really to remember. The days are pretty much the same so nothing to stand out. We don't all have the same powers. Yes, powers are not all created equal.

Let me break it down. So, I have extremely heightened senses. Like, my eyes can adjust to light differences instantly, i can see everything sharp, as a scalpel, up to if not farther than 2 miles, in perfect color. Sometimes if I focuse I see different spectrums too like heat and.... no I can't see through things, but I see everything detail in anything; and that's just my eyes.... yeah, I'm not gonna explain what it's like to experience the world like I do. Even though powers are awesome and all, there are draw backs. Since my heightened senses take in 10+ times more information than most, my brain still has to process all of that information and with that sometimes I take in too much information than my brain can process in that given time. Yes, I can get overloaded. But because of how my brain works I can't ignore anything, so if do get overloaded my brain puts processing the information in priority; so while my brain is taking in the information I can't always use the information right away. I can explain it better later... enough about me what about the rest of the T group.

Red has speed. And when I say speed I mean like he can run faster than car. I don't know the highest speed he reached but it was fast. He's says that when he runs it's like everything slow down to a crawl. But he has draw backs too, because he runs at whatever times the normal rate his body uses that much energy. So that makes him a black hole for food. Hahaha, He is always eating something.

Green is a tech machine. She can know everything there is to know about any technology in moments of her touching it. She can hack with her brain. She said she uses her hand as an interface and the glasses she likes to wear as a focal point so she sees what's she is doing... I think. I'm not sure what her draw back is, I don't understand her power very well but she has one.

Black has magnetism. He can do whatever a magnet can like repel metal, and stick to metal, and so on. Um, He can't make it turn all the way off though, he always has a magnetic field, so the scientists made a metal glove sleeve thing so he can focused his power, and control it.

Yellow, I think his is cool. His body generates these sort of ionic particles that he can control. So he can make forcefields with them and moves object with them it's really cool. But his draw back is that his power come mostly from his mind and will, so if he gets distracted or can't focus he can't control the particles.

That's break down of everyone's powers or so... I have run out of time so I'll end this entry here.
I'll talk about how I met them next, but for now this Blue. Ttfn.

1330 words.

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