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            Neal and Mozzie walked through the door of Neal’s little apartment after just pulling off a con.

            “You know,” Mozzie started, “I think that went well, all things considered.”

            “Would’ve been better if the guy hadn’t owned a giant dog,” Neal commented, examining the bite on his arm.

            “Well, yeah,” Mozzie said, “Are you sure you don’t want to see a doctor?”

            “I thought you hated doctors?” Neal replied with a smile.

            “I know a guy that could probably help you,” Mozzie stated simply, “But if worse comes to worse we could give you a new alias and take you to the hospital. I’m willing to put Mr. Ivan Bliminse in the system if it means you don’t die from an infection.”

            “I think I’ll be fine Moz, but thank you,” Neal chuckled and Mozzie shrugged.

            “Alright, but put something on that,” Mozzie insisted and Neal nodded. Neal cleaned up the bite and bandaged it before going and sitting on his bed.

            “You staying here tonight?” he asked his friend.

            “I was thinking I might crash on your couch tonight, not really in the mood to head out right now,” Mozzie said.

            “Alright, well I’m going to sleep now, so do whatever it is that you do,” Neal smiled.

            “Alright man,” Mozzie said, “I’ll probably have a drink and then sleep myself.” Neal nodded and lied down, wanting nothing more than to have a peaceful sleep.

            However, a couple hours later Mozzie was woken by loud groaning. When he sat up on the couch he saw Neal sleeping fitfully; tossing and turning, crying out in his sleep.

            “Neal,” Mozzie said, walking over and shaking his friend, “Neal, wake up.” He felt his friend’s forehead and found it to be burning with fever. Pulling the blanket off Neal’s shoulder and removing the bandage from his arm, Mozzie saw that the bite was clearly infected.

            “M-Moz,” Neal said between his chattering teeth, blinking his eyes tiredly as he woke up.

            “Right here man,” Mozzie said, putting his hand on his friend’s shoulder.

            “Really wish that guy di-didn’t have a dog,” Neal chattered.

            “Yeah,” Mozzie said, trying to smile at his friend’s attempt at humor, but he was unable to. He was genuinely worried about Neal; he was the closest thing Mozzie had to family.

            “Come on then Mr. Bliminse, we’re getting you to a hospital,” Mozzie said.

            “N-No,” Neal breathed raggedly.

            “Neal, believe me, I want to go to the hospital even less than you do, but I’m not about to let you die on me,” Mozzie said.

            “No hospital,” Neal insisted, “P-Peter.”

            “What?” Mozzie asked, sure he had heard Neal wrong.

            “Call Peter,” Neal said, shaking violently.

            “You want me to call the Suit?” Mozzie said incredulously, “The same Suit who is looking to arrest you?”

Four Times Someone Took Care of Neal When he was Sick...Where stories live. Discover now