Aries: American horror story with Jeff the killer
Capricorn:life in pieces with splendorman
Scorpio:MTV ridiculousness with kagekao
Pisces:MTV usavich with Sally Williams
Cancer: scream with Jane the killer
Leo: America's got talent with Ben drowned
Aquarius:Animal planet predators up close with Joel Lambert
You watch it with slendermanVirgo: villainous with lazari
Libra:Animal planet monsters inside me with Dr.smiley
Gemini: law and Oder with judge angels
Sagittarius: magyver with ticci toby
Taurus:caught on camera with nick cannon,you watch it with hoodie
(And yes I've watched all of these already so I hoped you enjoyed this 😶)

Horror🔪All info is in the title🔪 None of the characters or images belongs to me Unless I say so. Enjoy🔪 Yet here we are . . . Look to where we are now. From the beginning till the upcoming end. My . . . . CHAPTER COUNT DOWN: F O U R M O R E ! 🔪 E...