[it's very recommendable for you to read this while listening to this very music,and no, it does not belongs to me,it belongs to their owners and creators! I really do hope that you enjoyed this y/n!
See you soon! Enjoy!]
??? P.O.V
[Can you guess who it is?]It was a lovely sunny day . . .
* Step step step*
Heavy footsteps
*Crunch break crack*
Dry leaves and branches
Can be heard over the distance.
A silhouette of a man can be seen,
He was wearing a dark grey trench coat a pair of black pants and dark leather boots, he was carrying a suit case.Something . . . . Was odd.
He paused in his tracks.
He looks forward to see a nice looking cabin in the distance,not too far away.
He looked above,then at his watch.
In an instance he rushed towards the cabin.Was he late?
Yes, incredibly late.
The man then opens the door of the wooden cabin deep in the woods,
The wooden door creaks loudly screeching like a fingernail to a blackboard at school. Entering in.Don't you ever wonder how it looks like?
On the outside it looked like a modern and natural cabin.
But on the inside . . . .
Well, it was dusty and dark as usual,
This place of a cabin he called as home to him, always had an empty feeling. Furniture's with layers of dust, wallpapers rotting, tearing apart as well. Curtains are torn revealing some light into this dark gloomy part of the cabin . . . .
Some Windows are boarded up some are broken both from the outside and the inside.
Surprisingly this cabin had stairs.Was something missing?
Yes. It had always been missing.
Yet it was never seen.
Or found.
Who knows?
No one does.
He sighed in relief, he looked to aside looking at the hallway cabinet, there on top of it . . . A photo frame covered in dust.
Too bad . . . . Isn't it?
Knowing what the photo was, he never cared, so did they.
No one did.
Not even you.
Well enough wasting time.He threw his hat like a frisbee. . .
It took five seconds for it to land perfectly on the coat rack.*Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock
. . .
. . .
. .. . .
Time was ticking like a time bomb.
Better hurry up.
Before . . . It's to late.
The man countinued his way to the stairs, each step at a time.
He held the rail of the stairs, as
The sound of Heavy footsteps fills in the room, as he takes each step on the stairs.

Horror🔪All info is in the title🔪 None of the characters or images belongs to me Unless I say so. Enjoy🔪 Yet here we are . . . Look to where we are now. From the beginning till the upcoming end. My . . . . CHAPTER COUNT DOWN: F O U R M O R E ! 🔪 E...