6. Home

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I jumped at the sound of that roar. A loud tearing sound came up from above us, mixing with Lisanna and I's scream. I snapped my head up, looking at the miracle in just above our head.

Above us was a Floral Dragon, baring its teeth, grabbing onto the edges of the once luxurious hotel. She glared at us, her snout coming closer. Lisanna and I backed away, a look of pure terror in our eyes. I bumped into the counter behind us and fell over it. I peeked over the counter to see Lisanna paralyzed with shock. The dragon was sniffing her as if looking for something.

The monster's eyes widened as she growled at Lisanna. After a few seconds, the dragon narrowed her eyes angrily and opened her mouth right in front of my best friend, as if to eat her.

"NO!!" I shouted, scrambling to save my only supporter. I was too late. The beast clamped her jaws over Lisanna, half of her remaining. Instead of blood seeping out, a black smoke was flowing out of her disembodied legs.

The body parts crumbled, and all that was left was Lisanna's clothes.

Tears gushed out of my eyes, blurring my vision.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't save you... Lis~Chan..." I whispered, feeling defeated for the first time in a few months. I dropped to my knee's, completely giving up the will to live.

"My dear, it will be okay." A rumbly voice sounded. I snapped my head up and looked at the Floral Dragon, eyes widening. I stared in shock at it for a few minutes until I found my voice again.

"What- What do you m-mean? I just lost my only friend because of you!" I screamed at her, getting up to my feet. Magic power surged through my veins, making the eerie white glow surround me once again. I was angry.

Actually- scratch that. I was pissed.

"Lucy." The dragon said, in a firm but gentle voice. I narrowed my eyes at her and the magic energy slowly dissipated.

"What?" I growled, reaching for my keys.

"That girl was not your friend. She was a shadow clone, those of the clone mage Akane Haruhi."

"Aka- what? I don't understand." My blonde hair swayed in the wind as I froze, fingertips barely brushing the golden keys. The dragon looked at me kindly and explained.

"A shadow clone is a being made out of pure shadow magic. It has no mind, no soul, no
emotions. Just an empty shell. A... ghost of sorts, if you will." She said, with exceptional grammar.

I soaked this in and she remembered to ask one of the most important things on my mind.

"Was the shadow clone mimicking Lisanna's personality or is Lisanna really mean?" I asked quietly, sadness filling my eyes at the thought of the answer.

"Hime, shadow clones mimick. That's why they are called clones. They are only a bit different from the real person they are mimicking." The she-dragon stated.

 Wait, is the dragon a she, or he? I thought, kind of confused about dragon genders.

"Ah, I understand you are confused whether I'm a girl or boy. Worry not, Hime. I am a female. Proud and independent!" The dragon said, growing more confident with each word. By the end of the sentence, she was grinning and puffing her chest out jokingly.

I nearly chuckled, relaxing a bit. Of course, I still was on guard, in case this was a fraud.

Wait. How did she know what I was thinking? I screeched in my mind, causing the dragon to flinch.

"Hime, I thought I already told you this. Human thoughts are weaker than dragons, so we can naturally hear them." She explained, rubbing her forehead with her long talons.

"Oh- Oh!" I said, soaking in those words.

"Anyways, Hime, we got off track. I'm supposed to bring you back." The dragon said, kneeling in front of me and motioning for me to get on her back.

"Back where?" I asked, climbing onto the soft scales of the floral dragons back.

"Home, Hime. Home."

Lucy's Wrath (A Zerlu Story) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now