Chapter 1

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To say Kakashi was confused would be an understatement.

Because he was, in actuality, bewildered beyond belief at the very thought at what could have possibly gone wrong this time.

Truly, nothing should have happened today. Kakashi found that between his retirement as Hokage and the lack of higher-ranked missions he really didn't have much to do. Which usually left the former sharingan-user bored out of his mind and pestering Guy to do something with him, at least for the sake of his sanity.

And yet, here he was, on his hands and knees on some wooden structure he doesn't have time to identify- because he's suddenly hit with a wave of nausea that has him scrambling to practically tear off his mask and hurl what's left of his breakfast into an ocean that he had barely registered in his dizzied brain.

Except then he remembers Konoha doesn't have oceans, and that he doesn't know where the hell he is.

The former ANBU leader stood up slowly, not trusting the way his legs swayed and how his brain felt like mud and why was he so dizzy, dammit!?

He seemed to remember then that he was in unfamiliar territory, with his back turned to anyone who could approach him, and that he was incredibly vulnerable.

Kami, I'm getting rusty.

He scoured the area, whilst pulling up his mask, trying hard to ignore the taste of bile on his tongue, and let his gaze sweep what he now knew was a surprisingly clean dock.

Several large boats were tethered to posts by sturdy rope, some looked just about ready to set sail and float away from the land mass he currently stood upon. The dock was near empty, save for him and an elderly woman who kept giving sending worried glances his way.

Further inland were rows of neatly lined buildings, many looked like fishing related stores, if the fish-covered signs had anything to say about that.

Kakashi tried to recollect his thoughts.

He remembered heading over to Guy's house after visiting The Memorial Stone. He walked alone on the stone path that looked to be recently cleaned, probably by some unlucky genins on a D-ranked mission. The recent peace-times didn't exactly call for many dangerous or highly-important missions, which left plenty of room for chore-like tasks.

He recalled a streak of black jumping out at him, this person, or whatever it was- Despite his highly trained eyes, the speed of the creature had him only seeing a black smear- was very skilled at hiding their chakra signature, never disclosing its chakra to him until it striked.

Kakashi had just raised his arms to block the attack aimed towards his nose, and despite the build up of chakra in his arms to minimize damage- the attack sent him stumbling backwards.

Not only is this thing damned fast, it's strong too. Kakashi had time to think, before he whipped around to block another blow just a heartbeat before it would have struck him. The thing aimed a kick at his navel, Kakashi jumped backwards.

Kakashi cursed, If this thing keeps attacking at this speed, I'll be stuck here dodging!

The masked shinobi quickly jumped into the air, fully expecting his attacker to follow, and before he could dwell on his foe's lack of action, he was completing a series of several hand signs.

Ram, Serpent, Tiger, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

Two Kakashi's appeared nearby in puffs of smoke, one hidden behind a stone wall and the other having been summoned near the cloaked man, was making a series of jabs and kicks at his attacker. The original Kakashi watched curiously for a heartbeat as the man fended off his clones without using ninjutsu, instead relying only on taijutsu. It made sense, having his inhumane speed and strength. Kakashi went through more hand signs quickly, before his clone poofed and he fell back to earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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