The Agreement

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Sarah sat on the corner of her sofa, her hands fiddling with one another. His name kept trying to escape her mouth, and she knew that it would in a short amount of time. She glanced around the room at what her life had become since she left the Goblin City. She had became successful in writing, although she had always thought acting was her specialty, but Jareth changed that somehow. For a while after she didn't think any of her journey was real, that it was just a dream. But then, a dream is hardly ever so real. 

Sarah stood from the sofa and held her breath, something kept her from calling, a pull from somewhere within her. She let her breath go and began to speak, "I wish to see the Goblin King."

She waited, and nothing came. I said the right words!

"Come on Jareth!" She half-yelled, so she did not awaken Toby.

Still nothing.

"I wish to see the Goblin King right now!" 

Suddenly thunder erupted outside and her lights went out, but she was not scared, because she knew what that meant. In the darkness it was hard to see, but she knew he was there.


Jareth stood before Sarah, taking in the image of her that he had not seen in such a long time. He thought about taking a step towards her, then realized it was a risk he couldn't take, not yet. 

"Hello Sarah, it's been a while." He spoke, hoping for a response.

"Yes Jareth, not as long as I'd hoped." She replied, striking something inside him, "Your brother wasn't very informative." 

"Leith wasn't sent here to tell you what was happening, he was simply sent to get you to call for me." Jareth stated.

Sarah took a step towards him and Jareth froze, "Five years Jareth," she began, "You think that after five years I will just go with you? Tell me what is going on!"

Jareth was in shock, no one but his mother spoke to him the way Sarah did, but she was right. "You're in danger." Was all he said.

Sarah laughed, "Danger? You think I don't know that? Your brother has been spying on me with crystals!"

"Crystals? Harend is not capable to have the power of Crystals yet." Jareth stated worryingly, "At least not as far as I know."

"Leith took care of the crystal." Sarah replied.

"Sarah you have to come back, I cannot protect you here."

"And who'll protect Toby?" Sarah asked, "I can't just leave him here unprotected!"

Jareth nodded and took a crystal from his jacket, dropping it to the ground where it then transformed into a goblin. Sarah looked worried. "This is Draggy, he will watch over Toby until you return."

Draggy nodded to Jareth, "I watch the Toby." 

Jareth looked to her pleadingly, and took a hesitant step toward her, "Sarah please, I will bring you back when we are finished and I will never ask you to return again."

Sarah contemplated on what to do, if she stayed here she could protect herself and Toby, but not against the powers Harend possessed. Going to the Underworld meant leaving Toby with Draggy, which wasn't an option she particularly liked, but it was better than leaving him alone.

"Toby will be okay?" Sarah asked.

"I will send a crystal every so often to check up on him, he'll be fine Sarah." Jareth replied.

Sarah sighed, "Okay, I'll go," She saw hope spring in Jareth's eyes, "But I want back by the time Toby wakes up!"

Jareth nodded, "That gives us 13 days."

Sarah looked to Draggy. She wasn’t sure if he’d be enough to protect Toby, Toby was probably taller than him, but she knew she had to go. “Let’s go.”

Jareth walked to Sarah and took her arm, “Close your eyes, it can be a little overwhelming.”


Sarah closed her eyes and felt the air around her move, as if a short wind had blown and lifted her from the ground. When she felt grounded she opened her eyes. The room she now stood in was stone. Everywhere was stone, other than the rug her feet now stood on and the wooden furniture that surrounded her.

Jareth let go of her arm and took a step in front of her, “This is my study, not much I know, but useful.”

She walked to a bookshelf at the edge of the room, looking at some of the names of the books, she realized most were family trees or ancient history. “Is your family tree here?” She asked, turning to look to Jareth.

He looked over to her as if it was the first time he’d heard her speak all night, “No, that is in my fathers castle in the Fae Kingdom. It will be mine when he passes.” He explained.

Sarah nodded then walked to Jareth’s writing desk. His quills lay on the table, she couldn’t tell how long it had been since he used them, but by the dust gathering around she could tell it had been a while. 

“Would you like me to show you your room?” Jareth asked, “It’s not long down the corridor

Sarah nodded and followed Jareth to the door, the door seemed easy to open for Jareth, but she could tell it would take her a while to get used to it’s weight. When they entered into the hallway a goblin appeared, it looked similar to Draggy, but larger. He bowed to Jareth and then scurried down the hall, she could tell he was afraid of Jareth, but then again many were.

The walk to Sarah’s room took a short amount of time, but the hallways were winding and the stairwells seemed taller than she had expected. Jareth pushed the door open to her room, revealing a much more elegant room to Jareth’s study. The four-poster bed sat at the side of the door, with a wardrobe directly across from it. Purple curtains hung over the windows and candles lit the room dimly. The desk across from her, she noticed, had writing materials set out on it. It was a beautiful room.

“I had the room tended to, I thought you’d like it to be a bit modern, but in the Underworld this is as modern as it gets.” Jareth stated, leaning by the door frame and gesturing around him.

“It’s lovely, thank you.” Sarah replied as she walked to the writing desk.

“I just put that there in case you wanted to write, I heard you wrote a book so I figured it would be nice for you.” Jareth said as he entered the room just a few steps more so as to not invade upon her.

“Yes I did, it’s a lovely thought, thank you.” Sarah turned to Jareth and smiled slightly so as to show appreciation. It was hard for her to believe that he had set this up, but then he was wishing for her to stay, so it was probably a way to make her. 


Jareth smiled to Sarah and decided to break the silence, “Dinner will be in two hours, there are clothes in the wardrobe or you can wear what you are, it’s your choice.” 

Sarah nodded to him and took a step towards the wardrobe, “Will it be just us, or will Leith be joining us?” He could tell by her tone that she wanted him there. He couldn’t blame her, Leith was charming and polite in ways that Jareth wasn’t.

“I can invite him, but my father will be joining us, he’s here for today and tomorrow.” Jareth looked toward the ground, he wished his father had not come here in the first place, but his timing made it worse, “Don’t feel patronized by him, because he will try, but that’s just who he is.”

Sarah laughed, “He sounds like you.”

Jareth nodded and laughed with her, “Yes I suppose you’re right.”

Sarah turned to look at Jareth and smiled slightly before bowing her head. Jareth watched her as she fiddled with her fingers and decided he would leave to end the awkwardness. “I will send someone for you before dinner.”

“Yes, thank you.” Sarah replied as she watched him leave.

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