Chapter 18

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Demi's POV

After spilling the entire story to Gabi, I feel a lot better. Gabi is talking to me again and it's as if a huge weight was just lifted off my shoulders. But even though Gabi is talking to me, it doesn't mean that she seems much happier. I'm sure that she's still grieving Joe and I don't know if I should talk to her about it or not.

"Gabi! Can you pack up? We're going to be leaving for a few days!" I call into her room as I knock on the door. We need to get out and my idea will hopefully be a good one.

I am planning on bringing Gabi to my family's house in Texas to meet everyone for a few days. Even Dallas is visiting and I have already told them to not freak out. So, hopefully all goes well.

Gabi comes downstairs dressed in long sleeves and jeans. It isn't super hot outside but I'm still worried about her habits, especially since I never got the chance to raise her.

"You ready?" I ask.

She nods. "Where are we going?"

"My family's house in Texas. Don't worry, they'll love you."

"Do they know?" she questions, looking into my eyes.

"Yes," I reply. "They helped raise you when you were little. I had to tell them."

She smiles in response and grabs her suitcase, following me to the car that is waiting for us outside my house.


The flight feels long but only because Gabi just listens to music and doesn't talk to me at all. It isn't a really long flight but it would have been nice to have some communication with others during the ride. We make it to Texas and get out of the plane, wait by the conveyor for a minute or two and grab our suitcases.

"Mom said she'd be waiting by the main entrance," I say, mostly to myself as we wander through the airport. I'm not lost, but I haven't been home in a while and am really anxious (in a good way) to see everyone again.

"Is that her?" Gabi asks, half-pointing straight ahead.

Gabi's POV

We make it to Texas and I follow Demi through the airport as she looks for her mom, my grandma... I guess. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not nervous, but they obviously know me and hopefully will like me.

"Is that her?" I ask, pointing slightly, not wanting to seem rude or impolite. 

Demi nods and smiles, running to her mom. "Hi Mom!" she exclaims excitedly as they hug.

"Hey, Demi, I missed you so much!" her mom says. "And this must be Gabriella." 

I nod. "Please call me Gabi."

"Of course."

Although she seems nice enough, I don't know her well and the tension in the air makes any conversation awkward. Ever since Dad died it feels like I can't have a normal conversation anymore. It feels like everybody just feels sorry for me and don't just tell me what they really think or feel... I hate it.

"You ready to go?" Demi asks, holding out her hand.

I nod as a reply and follow Demi and her mom out to a car and we drive to the home that I lived in for the early beginnings of my life. I have a feeling that this will be weird.

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