0.5 | Thunderstorms

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In which ; The reader comforts Peter because he is scared of thunderstorms.

• Peter frantically calling you once he sees that there's thunder on the forecast

• You quickly arriving to his apartment, drenched in the rain with his favorite blanket of yours and your stuffed elephant

• Watching a movie together and running your fingers through his curls as he laid on top of you to calm him

• Cuddling under blankets in your room as he hums to the calm music playing to soothe you


• He'd always hold you tighter when he'd jump as the thunder cracked

• Even though he's just as scared of thunderstorms as you are, you're his first priority

• "Peter, Peter, it's okay, I'm here, you're alright." you say, as you softly kiss his forehead as he clings on you even tighter awfjdjsk

• Listening to the sound of rain as you listened to his fast heartbeat as well while he laid on top of you sniffling because he's trying hard not to cry

• Peter being self conscious of his fear of thunder storms

• "(Y/N), I'm sorry you have to deal with this, I know it's annoying and childish but I really can't-"

• "No Peter, no, I don't mind at all. It's pretty cute, anyway."

• Peter playing with your stuffed toy elephant as you lay with him to cheer himself up

• "(Y/NNNN), It's coming to eat youuu..." *throws elephant at your face*

• Both drifting to sleep sprawled out under the blankets to the sound of rain, and soon waking up to the sun coming in from the window

• Peter asking for a back massage every once in a while because he's so spoiled with your care

• Sneaking off to the kitchen while he's asleep to make him a surprise hot chocolate with tons of marshmallows in it

• Tucking Peter in bed as he's half asleep with your stuffed elephant in his arms and favorite blanket once the storm has ended and you have to go <3

• "Peter, I love you."

PETER PARKER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now