0.6 | Sick Day

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     In which; Peter takes care of the reader and surprises them because they are sick.

     (Y/N). Hey, (Y/N)." A faint voice called, as your shoulder was gently being shaken.
     You turned from your side, awaking from your light sleep and saw Peter, your newly acquired boyfriend, by your side.
     "Peter! Goodness no, why are you here? And, how? How did you get in my bedroom, I look a mess, you -"
     "It's okay (Y/N), you texted me earlier, remember? Because you're sick. I came though the window in your living room... You told me to come in when I got here, I'm sorry..."
     "No, no I'm sorry Peter, I remember now. I'm sorry. I just forgot because I'm so miserable feeling." You sniffled, rubbing your sore eyes with your sweatshirt.
     "It's alright, could I carry you for a second?" He asked, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear as he kneeled on the ground against the bed.
     "Because, I want to show you something."
     You nodded, unable to argue, and held your arms out. He carefully picked you up bridal style, leaving your blankets on the bed.
     "Peter, that made me really cold." You shuddered, beginning to get dizzy. He only kissed your forehead in response, covered your eyes with his hand, took you out of your bedroom, and onto your couch that was in the form of a pull out bed.
     Taking his hands off your eyes, he gently rested you on your couch, on top of a warm blanket. Peter then placed a pillow behind your head, and kissed your forehead once tucking you in.
     "You gave me fresh blankets?! Out of the dryer?!" You squealed, with your voice slightly scratching.
     "Yeah, I did. I'll be right back okay? Rest your head, I know you feel terrible." He said, softly kissing your cheek and giving you a heartwarming look.
     "No, Peter, please stay."
     "I'll only be gone for a second babe, I'm hardly going anywhere, I promise." He smiled, kissing the top of your head once he stood up.
     Once he returned from the kitchen, he brought out a plastic bag, with a flat tray in his other hand. His backpack was strapped on his back and he hurriedly rushed to your couch.
     "What're you doing, Peter?" You asked, beginning to sit up from the couch.
     "Shhh." He whispered, putting a finger to your lips and squeezing your face.
     Peter placed the tray between where you sat on the bed, and placed two tubs of broccoli cheddar soup and two raspberry Snapple bottles on the tray, as well as a cookie for only you.
     "You got us Panera! That's my favorite!"
     "I know, your mom told me. Here, open wide." Peter said smiling, as he fed you soup. You clutched to his chest, sitting on his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, half asleep as he gave you everything you needed.
     "What's in your bag?" You asked, tugging at it.
     "Oh, erm, here." He shyly said, unzipping the bag. He took out his Midtown Sweatshirt, and one of his favorite beanies.
     "I know you like to wear these when you miss me or want to feel special. Plus, they're super cozy, so I just thought you'd like them, you know." Peter blushed, looking at his hands.
     You quickly took off your loose T-Shirt, and tossed it under one of the many pillows that laid next to the two of us.
     Peter's eye's widened at the sight of you in your and light pink bralette, and he soon turned his head.
     "Oh sorry, I didn't even think about... well, um... you know. I just wanted to wear your sweatshirt but I'd be too hot with my shirt on too, I'm already burning up..."
      "It's okay (Y/N), I don't mind. Plus you don't have to wear the sweatshirt..." He teased, still looking in the other direction.
     "Peter Parker! Inappropriate,
but I agree. Now cut it out and look at me,
idiot!" You giggled, tossing your shirt at him.
"I'm an idiot? Alright then, come here." Peter laughed, very gently pushing you down on the mattress and covering your face in so many kisses that you could hardly breathe. Laughter filled the room, and for a second, you began to cough.
"(Y/N), did I hurt you?" He said, cautiously helping you sit up.
"No, no I'm alright." You sniffed, holding his sweatshirt and resting your head on his shoulder.
"Here, you need your soup, it'll make you feel better."
     Once you finished your soup, you cuddled up next to him as he laid on the mattress, covered in blankets. Every once in a while Peter would check your temperature, and see if your breathing was at a regular pace, because he was so worried you wouldn't be okay.
     "Thank you for this, Peter." You drowsily whispered against his neck, as you smiled and
held him tighter. In response, he kissed every inch of your face, with a final kiss on the lips. The two of you had fallen asleep together until the evening, and you had thankfully felt better late on, because of the care you were given.

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