Chapter One

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Chapter One

    "Callie, wake up! You're going to be late for orientation!"

I faintly heard my best friend's voice before feeling a soft, fluffy object meet my head with recognizable force. I flailed my arms about, swatting at whatever the menacing object was disrupting my sleep before rolling over in my bed onto my stomach to avoid another blow.

    "Callie! If you don't wake up I'm going to keep on smacking you with this pillow! Did you not hear what I said? We have the faculty-student orientation in a few hours and if you don't wake up you're going to walk in there looking like a rotting hobo! Now get up!"

    I grunted and muffled some sort of jibberish under my breath before rolling back over and opening one eye. "Maybel, did I hear you say orientation is in a few hours?"

    Maybel stood there with a pillow in hand but with both palms on her hips. "Yes, I did. It's about an hour and a half from now. And you need to get yourself out of this bed!"

    I raised one finger from the comfort of the sheets on my bed to say, "If it's one hour and a half from now, that means I get to sleep for another thirty minutes. You know I can be ready in an hour." After speaking my peace, I laid my hand back down and closed my eyes again.


    "Maybel!" I exclaimed, opening my eyes to see her rearing back the pillow she just smacked me with.

    "Callie, we start classes tomorrow! You need to get up and prepare yourself for orientation! Do I need to repeat myself? Do you want these uppity lawyer professors to think you walked in off the streets? Now come on before I have to drag you out of this bed by your ankles like the good best friend I am!"

    After another grunt and some more jibberish, I finally rolled myself to the edge and dangled my legs off the side of the bed to where I was in a sitting position. I rubbed my eyes with my hands as the room began to come into focus. My small bedroom in the Cottage Village Apartment was small, but decorated with different band posters and memorabilia alike. My window overlooked the apartment complex's shared pool and across the street I could see Bernstein's University of Law and Psychology which is where I'd begin my sophomore year of law school in the morning.

    "I think this short, black dress would really accent your figure, Callie," Maybel stated as she stood on the opposite side of the room going through my closet.

    "Maybs, I can pick my own outfit," I muttered as I stood and walked over to her looking through my array of a wardrobe.

    "Callie, if I let you choose your own outfit, you'll waltz into that orientation looking like a hippie from the 80s," Maybel replied while turning and laying out the black dress she had picked out across the bed.

    I rolled my eyes. "It's college Maybel. This is our second year, not our first. We went through this last year. The professors care nothing about us, furthermore about what we wear. We can wear a trash bag to class and they wouldn't care as long as we are on time."

    "Well we aren't going to be on time if you keep nonchalantly walking around without getting ready. Go to the bathroom, take a shower, and get yourself together. We need to be out of this apartment in 45 minutes."

    I looked appalled. "Forty-five minutes? And since when do you tell me what to do? Usually it's the other way around," I stated before grabbing some underwear out of my dresser before heading into the hallway towards the bathroom.

    "Since you decided to take a complete 180 this summer, break up with Phillip after three years and decide you were going to find yourself?"

    I looked back at Maybel who was standing in the doorway to my room with a smart look on her face.

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