Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

            "Let's sit up here," Maybel chimed as she made her way up the bleachers.

            I bit my lip and followed. I tried to not make it obvious that I often scanned the football field and the sidelines with my eyes in search of Dr. Easton. Maybel finally popped a squat on about the sixth row up from the field in the student bleacher section. The afternoon sun was blazing and the tank top I wore unfortunately left my arms in the sun's treacherous rays. And of course, I never use sunscreen so I'm sure I'd reap the consequences in the morning after the burn has sunk in.

            "This is so good," Maybel muffled as she stuffed a bite of her hot dog smothered in nacho cheese into her mouth. I couldn't help but laugh.

            "Are you enjoying it?" I asked.

            She looked over at me and nodded her head while cheese was oozing out of the corner of her mouth. "More than you know," she muffled again.

            "Maybs, you're about to drop it on your shirt," I laughed and grabbed the napkin that she was holding under the paper tray that contained the hot dog. "Here," I stated before raising the napkin and dabbing it at the cheese that was about to drip from her mouth.

            "Thanks boo," she stated before turning her eyes towards the field. Her expression became one of annoyance. "I didn't miss those bimbos," she rolled her eyes and nodded her head in the direction of which she was looking.

            I followed her gaze to see none other than the Titan cheerleaders of Bernstein University line up in formation. I scoffed in agreement. "Tell me about it."

            The cheerleaders were dressed in the short, pleated skirts and tight v-neck tank tops that hugged places tighter than they should. Most of them wore enough makeup to look like a whole other person and were skinny enough to convince someone they lived off lettuce. To make matters worse, they liked to flirt and lay every single football player that they could. Phillip being the top contender as quarterback.

            As the bleachers began to fill with the students of Bernstein, I continued to remind myself of why I was even here. If it wasn't for the sheer fact that I may get a glimpse of Dr. Easton, I wouldn't be caught dead at one of these stupid pep rallies.

            "Have you seen him?" Maybel leaned over towards me and whispered in my ear right on queue with my own thoughts.

            I shook my head and scanned the field again. "Not yet."

            "Are you still in la la land after yesterday?" She asked with a knowing grin.

            I couldn't help but blush and look down at my feet. Neither could I stop the smile that almost immediately appeared on my cheeks.

            "Psh, no," I answered sarcastically.

            "You're such a bad liar," Maybel stated, shaking her head and rolling her eyes at me.

            "Hello students! Welcome to the year's first pep rally for the Bernstein Titans!" Dean Campbell echoed through the microphone from the center of the field.

            I rolled my eyes. Here we go.

            "Let's all turn our attention to the right side of the field as we welcome and cheer for this year's all-star football team!" He yelled again, motioning his hands to the right of the field where two students were holding a large banner with our college's logo printed on it. Within seconds the football team tore through the banner and made their way onto the field in their full uniforms and helmets. Claps and cheers roared through the air as they trotted their way to center field and formed a line. I quickly noticed something that made my insides twist. Phillip didn't emerge with them. Where was he? He's the starting quarterback so he must be out there somewhere. Before I let every negative and disconcerting thought run through my brain I looked over at Maybel.

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