Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

            I clicked my teeth as I looked at myself in the mirror. Although my ankle was still very sore, it was clear when I woke up this morning that I was actually able to be mobile with it. I slowly made my way around my bed a few times to make sure I was going to be able to put consistent pressure on it before walking over to my closet and getting out a black, classic rock t-shirt and a pair of cut up jeans. I sat on the bed and wiggled the jeans on, carefully shimmying them up my legs to not hurt my ankle further.  I slipped on my t-shirt over my bra before standing and walking back over to my mirror. As I ran my fingers through my hair I took a look at the gash on my forehead. Geez, it still looked bad. Grabbing some Neosporin, which was all I had to put on it, I rubbed some on and dabbed some powder over the cut. It looked better than it did a few days ago, but it still was very noticeable. I reached down and grabbed my slip on vans before sliding each foot in.

            I looked down at the syllabus that was lying on my dresser for Laz's class and sighed. I picked it up and read over his office room number and his telephone number again. What in the world was I supposed to do? I could send him a text which would help me avoid the conversation about what I said to him last night, or actually go to his office and confront everything head on. I sat the syllabus back down and raised a hand to my forehead. I had no idea what to do.

            I exited my bedroom with the syllabus in hand and slowly made my way into the kitchen where I was hearing pans being picked up and sat down.

            "Pancakes?" I asked as I entered the kitchen and hopped onto one of the barstools at the island.

            "Well hey sleepy head," Maybel stated cheerfully as she turned her head back to look at me. She was standing in front of the stove in her night shirt and pajama shorts. "How are you feeling?"

            I sat the syllabus down in front of me and sighed. "I feel a lot better than yesterday, that's for sure."

            "Good," she replied, placing a few of the pancakes she had made onto a plate. She turned and sat the plate in front of me and handed me a fork.

            "You're too good to me," I stated as I poured syrup over the fluffy pancakes and stuffed a bite into my mouth.

            "Nah, I just need to be the one who cooks so you don't burn the apartment down," she laughed while putting a few pancakes on a plate for herself.

            I pointed my fork at her. "Hey now, I can't help that I can't cook."

            She laughed again as she took a seat on the stool beside me. "We learned that when you about blew up the microwave with EasyMac."

            I couldn't help but chuckle. "It was late and I just wanted some mac n' cheese. I didn't read the part where you had to put water in it."

            "You should know to put water in it you goober!" She cackled and nudged her shoulder with mine. Once composed, she saw the syllabus sitting off to the side on the counter.

            "Have you decided on what you're going to do?" She asked while placing a bite of pancake in her mouth.

            I shook my head. "No. His office hours today are kind of odd. He only has an hour this morning from nine to ten, then he's got classes for the rest of the afternoon. His last hour that he's available is from four to five," I stated, taking another bite of pancake.

            "Maybe you should text him then? I'm assuming he knew that you wouldn't be at the gym this morning," she replied, looking over at the syllabus.

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