It's Just The Beginning

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No One's P.O.V

Midoriya was only 7 years old, until he was forcefully taken from his mother by The Villain League. His mother fought as much as she could, but sadly, they were too much for a match, ending her life in the process.

Midoriya was forced to watch as they brutally beat his mother, then Tomura using his quirk to kill her. Kurogiri used his portal to take them to their lair, leaving young Midoriya traumatized.

Somehow, they were able to brainwash Midoriya from his past 7 years of life, making him believe he lived with them their entire life, and his parents dying in a fire when he was only 2 years old.

He wasn't treated badly surprisingly. Tomura and everybody accepted him as if he was their actual kid. Everytime they went on their schemes, they let Midoriya go, but he had to observe because they wanted him to become one of them, but everytime he went, he would always watch the heroes, one hero in particular.

All Might.

He admired his smile, the way he tried his best to help everybody, he admired everything.

That is when he knew, he wanted to become a hero.

It soon became an everyday thing.

He would ask Tomura if he could go and watch them, but he never really watched them, he went to watch All Might and study his tactics, even though he was quirkless himself.

All though he lived with the villains, they never knew he lived with him, so he was able to walk around in public freely.

Several Years Later

Midoriya was walking around in the city one day, until he noticed one of his childhood friends, Bakugo being attacked by a villain. He tried his best to help, even though he was just a quirkless boy. He tried his best fighting off the liquidity Villain, until his favorite hero, All Might appeared, fighting off the villain. Soon, the fight was over and the press appeared, making All Might leave, while Midoriya followed behind.

"All Might!" Midoriya cried out, causing All Might to turn around. "Can I be a hero like you? Even though I'm quirkless" Midoriya said while putting his head down in shame. "Of course you can. After the bravery you showed today, you can be anything" he said while smiling at Midoriya.

Soon he started coughing up blood and he went into his original body, surprising Midoriya but not scaring him, he accepted All Might body, for he was still his favorite hero.

All Might began training Midoriya, slowly considering to give him his quirk. When All Might felt like he was worthy enough, he gave him a piece of his hair, making him eat it, giving Midoriya his quirk.

Midoriya always wanted to go to U.A, but he wasn't sure if he could go since he did live with Villains, but he couldn't tell All Might, he didn't want him thinking he was a villain as well.

He trained with All Might everyday, of course Tomura, Kurogiri and the rest of them knew, and they thought he was using All Might to make him quirkless, destroying the symbol of peace, but he actually wanted to become the next symbol of peace.

It was time for the U.A entrance exam, which him and All Might has been prepping for. All though, Tomura was a villain, he was still a father figure to Midoriya, teaching him as much as he could.

With the help of All Might, Tomura, Kurogiri, and Dabi he ended up being accepted into U.A, in class 1-A with his old friend, Bakugo, even though Bakugo still hated him.

He met new people as such as Ochaco, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Iida, Sero and more people. Yet it was one person he took interest in.

Shouto Todoroki.

He found him mysterious and intriguing, wanting to find out all his secrets.

*time skip*

School has been going on for a month now. For some unknown reason, Tomura never asked for information, he never wanted to make Midoriya do anything he wanted. Until today....

"Midoriya" Tomura called out when Midoriya walked through the door after school.

"Yes Shigaraki?"

"I told you, you can just call me Tomura"

"You're right" Midoriya said while laughing and rubbing the back of the head.

"You know almost all the students in your school right?" Tomura said, turning to face Midoriya, cocking his head to the left.

"Yeah. They have pretty cool quirks!"

"Well then. I assume you know a student there by the name Shouto Todoroki" he said while scratching the back of his neck, peeling his skin even more.

"Yes. We don't talk much, but he's a cool person."


"I want you to kill him."

"And that's an order" Tomura said, making Midoriya heart drop to his stomach.

I have to kill Todoroki.....

A special thanks to Nnms13 for they gave me the idea of creating this book!

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