"Dont Worry Child"

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'This Mansion was bigger than the trees in this forest how come you had never seen it before? Maybe your so far out in the forest you wouldn't be able to see it from your house... speaking of which, where am you?' You thought to yourself... You heard a familiar voice speak back to you... 'Don't worry Child, I shall protect you... I wish you were old enough to understand what all is going on... but I cann-...' you cut him off with 'what do you mean' there was a short silence and then he replied with 'I'm afraid I cannot answer that question until you are older child... but for now let's get you settled in and tomorrow we can introduce you to the "fam" or whatever kids these days say' you giggled in your mind and agreed. 'Now rest child you need it' and you fell asleep...

*next morning*
You woke up in a whole new bedroom with teal bedsheets and a bunkbed that's frame was painted and light grey with a shaggy grey rug on the wooden floor and a black dresser... you smell the air and you smell... eggs and bacon and sausage... you jump of the bed (bottom bunk) and run downstairs and as your running down the stairs you notice your wearing a completely new outfit "Hey! Thats my nightgown!" You hear a girly voice yell "Sally she needed something to change into after her bath, be nice to (y/n)!" You here a raspy voice say... "(y/n)? That's such a pretty name!" The Girl apparently named Sally said as she ran up to you and dragged you down the stairs to sit next to her at a little pink Disney princess table. "We are going to be the best of friends!" You smiles and nodded- out of no where a familiar gloved hand with a yellow hoodie placed a plate of eggs, (scrambled or fried doesn't matter) bacon, and sausage. You looked at up at him and said "thank you" everyone looked at you and said "SHE HAS SPOKEN" or "SHE TALKS?" And you kinda flinched at all the yelling and you heard a loud familiar voice boom throughout the home "everyone quite down your scaring her!" You look over towards the voice to see an extremely tall, no faced man with a tuxedo and tentacles coming out of his back... he winked at you, at least you think he did (bc he don't have a face let alone some eyes fym) "When everyone finishes eating gather in the cinema room so we can all meet (y/n), Jeff you lead her to the cinema so she doesn't get lost and end up in the wrong room" He said, "You got it, Slendy!" The kid Jeff winked at the man... "Jeffrey don't test me or you'll be the one in the wrong room" Wide eyed- Jeff shut up and nodded...

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