July 2-11

20 2 51

Hey I'm back I still have no WiFi currently but I was bored so I'm going to do this

I'm actually so mad at my mom because (she said this multiple times) she said that dan was cute and phil was weird looking eQUiSe ME Can yoU plEasE leAvE How darE she insult our angel bean

Oh and I have more children
Meet winny

Oh and I have more children Meet winny

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And minny

And yes they are both moths fight me

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And yes they are both moths fight me

Oh and here is a list of my children (and Haley's)
•yellow duck child
•winny (gone missing
•minny (gone missing)
•le gasp (hates both of us)

Oh I forgot to say this but (this happened a while ago) my friend was having a farewell party (was NEIGhbOoR for 4 years) and I was invited so she invited also 3 of her friends and of course me being the shy awkward emo girl was to shy to say anything to the point that one of them asked me do you have any friends?

But it did turn out that one of them liked mcr panic! So it was good (even though all of her friends hated me lol) I also ended up staying there until 11 and my brother was still up

So I'm currently sick and I'm away from home so it's terrible for me right now
(KiLl Me)

And I still have no WiFi and I have to go to the lobby for some but I have to ask and it's usually my brothers final decision soooo it's pretty hard

Ooof I'm wearing all black and it's really hot outside I'm weirdly not warm ooof

Canada has a trail going around Canada
And I was forced to walk the trail of where I am right now

America do you have anything like this

Oh and one time my dad g noted me and then I was hugging my knees rocking back and forth on the stairs

My daD LIstEniNg tO tHE BlACk pArAdE CaUsaLly

*muffled screaming*

I mean when I first listened to the bands I was like ooo black parade is really good and listened to it a lot

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