July 13-19 2018

5 1 0

Hey there ok bye

Random memory: so my school band was getting ready for a band trip and the grade 8 class was graduating from elementary this year so anyway, the high school we were in had lanyards from when they graduate in high school and it was the class of 2022 so I freaked out and turned to my phandom friend and pointed to it saying look 2022 she didn't get it at first but then she did and then she freaked out as well

(If you don't get it just search geek week dan and phil)

AlSo tHeRe stROnG wiNd ANd I'm fReakiNG oUT here Is a BAd phOto

The wind pasted but still it was crazy and fun fact of me: I'm deathly afraid of tornados and once there was one tornado warning and I freaked out and started crying

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The wind pasted but still it was crazy and fun fact of me: I'm deathly afraid of tornados and once there was one tornado warning and I freaked out and started crying

Thanks to my friends for helping me through that while silently judging me

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