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“Mom? I need your help.” Yixing walked into the house he missed, needing someone's assistance.

“Yixing! I missed you!” His mother hugged him tight.

“I need to find M/N. Can you help me? Please?” The woman raised her eyebrows in shock. After-all, she didn't care about the boy when he was young; proving M/N's point. Yixing tore the family apart.

“Why is he important all of the sudden? You hated him and he never mattered in the first place.” She spoke nonchalantly, still not ashamed of her actions back then.

“That boy is my fucking brother and your son whether you care or not. I hate myself for shutting him out and he hates me for it, too. If you aren't going to help then I'm not going to waste my time.” Yixing backed away, acknowledging the fact that his own mom never gave a shit about her children.

“I guess I can't help. I don't even know what the kid looks like.”

“You're pitiful.” Yixing stormed out of the house and walked a few blocks away from where he previously was. “If I was M/N.... Where would I go?” It was no use. He can't deny that he doesn't know M/N at all.


“Why would your brother suddenly want to get involved after all these years?”

“That boy is not my brother, grandma.” M/N laid back on the couch, his eyes squeezed shut. “Look at the picture over there. Ai- me- we aren't even in the picture fully. He always asked us to go to the end. He was always in the center with Huiyin Bojing and Sungmin at his sides.”

“M/N, don't address your parents by their first names. It's not polite.” M/N's grandpa spoke up.

“I'm sorry. I just don't think that they deserve the name ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ if they never filled the role in the first place.” M/N weakly smiled, he hated himself for not being enough to his own ‘parents’.

“He has a point, honey-” The boys grandma was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“I'll get it.” M/N walked over to the door and opened it. Yixing wasted no time crashing into the younger, accidentally knocking both of them onto the floor. “Stop! Stop, Yixing! Let... Let go.” M/N started to cry, unintentionally giving his grandparents the incentive to leave the two alone.


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