Chapter 1

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A/N: This will probably be my last fanfic/story.
I lost all my creative ideas and there were many times I did not want to continue writing this.
I'm sorry if this story seems rushed or missing many characters.

Eren pov
"Eren, wake up"
I opened my heavy eyes but quickly closed them since the sun was in my eyes
I opened my eyes again and saw my adopted sister, Mikasa, looking over me
"Get up, well be late to school"
I shot right out of bed and ran to my closet
Once I found my uniform I ran to my bathroom to change
"Why didn't you wake me up sooner!" I yelled through the door as I was changing
"It's not my duty to wake you up every morning. You're already old enough to take care if yourself"
I ran out of the bathroom and got my school bag
"Well now you're both going to be late! Come on!"
We both ran down the stairs and headed out the house

We managed to make it in time for class and in a couple of hours it was lunch time.

Me and Mikasa walked inside Armin's class to eat with him.
"Eren! Mikasa!" He yelled out to us
I smiled and we took a seat next to him
As we were eating I kept hearing some girls squealing
"Kyaa! I can't wait for No Names concert!"
"I know"
"I heard Levi's going to feature in "My Love Sky"
"Right! I heard him on the radio and he said he's going to be featuring in dramas and movies starting this year!"

I rolled my eyes and tried to continue eating, but they were loud and annoying.
I guess Mikasa noticed and slammed her hands on the desk causing them to jump
"Can you be quiet" she told them
"Oh, sorry!"

We continued to eat but I noticed that everyone was talking about this band
'Gosh, it must be troublesome being famous'
I took a sip of my chocolate milk when
"It must be nice being famous"
I spit out my drink and began coughing
"Eren! Are you alright!?" Mikasa asked
I looked at Armin
"What are you saying Armin?" I asked
"I mean everyone knows who you are and you get everything you want"
"It's troublesome, that's what it is"
"Why are you against famous people?" He asked
"I don't have to tell you anything"
"Come on! Tell me!" He whinned
"It's not like I'm against them, I feel sorry for them"
"Sorry for them? Why? They have everything you could ever ask for" Armin argued
"Well reporters are always in their face asking them personal questions, they have to always be careful becasue then they might get caught up in a scandal. They have to deal with crazy fangirls and be expected to always look their best"
"Come on, you're exaggerating Eren. Do you agree with him Mikasa?"
"..." she remained silent and continued eating
"Fine, be that way"

"You guys!!!"
We all turned around and saw Sasha and Connie
"Hey" I greeted them
"Guess what!?" They asked
The three of us remained silent looking at each other in confusion
"Connie managed to get us tickets to see No Name this Sunday!"
Armin stood up
"No way!"
"I have them right here" Connie said and gave each of us a ticket
I looked at it with curiosity
"I can't wait to see them! And Mikasa, we could watch together!" Sasha hugged her
"Well Eren? Are you excited?" Connie asked me
"Can't go"
"What! Why!?" They all yelled minus Mikasa
"What do you mean why? I have work and I'm not huge on concerts"
Connie sighed
"Well, can you at least think about it? I don't want my money to go to waste"
I smiled

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