Chapter 21

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Levi pov
I was walking through a hallway and entered a room.

There sitting at his desk was Erwin.

I walked forward and slammed my hands on his desk, catching his attention.

He looked up
"What do I need to do?"
"What do you mean?"
I put my hands in my pocket, clicking record on my phone
"You're using Eren for your own benefit"
"I'm not about to watch as Eren puts up a fake smile for the public! He's barely turning 19! He should be enjoying the things kids his age do!"
Erwin glared at me, but I wasn't scared of him
"Kids his age would kill to be where he's at! I'm doing him a favor!"
"Yeah right. You don't give a damn about us! You overwork us so people notice and have the media talk about it so your company gets recognized! You've never cared about my members, me or Eren!"
"I saved you!" He stood up slamming his hands down
"Saved me?"
Erwin sat back down
"If I recall, your uncle abused you when you were small, your mother couldn't do anything so she ended up taking her own life"
"Shut up..."
"I saved all three of you. When I saw you in the streets I took you in, I gave you food and shelter, I gave you a purpose! You should respect me!"
"I'm not kneeling to you. Because all you care about is your wealth and fame. You're abusing your power..."
"You don't give a damn about us!"
"....You're Right. I don't give a damn about you guys or your health. You could die for all I care. In the end it's my company that gets the attention"

"What do I have to do...."
He looked at me
"To break Eren's contract"
He smiled
"You can't. He can never escape, just like how you can never escape"
My eyes widened
"Don't tell me..."
"That's right, I have his mom. All I have to do is make the call to have her killed if he ever goes against me and threatens to leave"
I clenched my fist
'This bastard....'
I was ready to punch his stupid face, but I refrained from doing so
"He can never leave because I have a hostage, like how I have Farlan hostage" he continued to speak
All I could do was glare at him
"Let me let you In on a little secret Levi"
I looked up
"The day before your photo shoot with Farlan and Isabel, she came by and begged me to cancel your contract. She said she wanted to free you"
"!!!!" I was taken by surprise
"Hahaha! It's a shame what happened to her'
"That's right. I'm the one who caused her accident!"
I stepped forward ready to punch him but stopped and fell on my knees
"Your response to her death caught everyone's attention and I knew you could be something bigger, so I had Farlan quit and go away so I could have a reason to keep you here"
All I could do was look at the ground
"....Does this entertain you?"



"I'll do anything...."
"Ill do anything! I'll even die! Just cancel his contract!"
My eyes widened
'did he just agree?'
'Is Eren finally going to be free?'

"Cause of death...suicide"
"I can already see it! Famous singer, Levi Ackerman, found dead in his room"
"Don't want to do it?"
"No, I'll do it"
I stood up
"But, I have to see you cancel his contract"
He opened a cabinet and took out a file
"This is his contract" he opened it and showed to to prove that it was real
Once I finished making sure it was really real he ripped it
"...." I didn't say anything as I was walking towards the door
"It was nice working with you! While you were alive"
I ignored him and left

I walked back to the house, managing to not get wet from the heavy rain.
"Welcome back!" I heard Hange
I turned around and saw her and Mike still watching TV
"Hey! Want to watch TV?" She asked
"No, I'm going to bed. Good bye"
I walked inside my room and shut the door

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