Chapter 17

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Eren pov
Levi told me to go wait outside while he went to go get his charger.

'A drive!?'
'Did I seriously just say a drive!?'
My face was a hot mess
'Now he'll think I'm a weirdo!'
I mentally slapped myself

"Come on" Levi appeared behind me
I began walking behind him as we walked to the garage

The door opened revealing a black car

He opened the door and got in the driver's seat
"Get in"
I got in and was amazed by how clean and spacious it was inside
"Where do you want to go?" He asked
I looked at him and he looked back at me
"Or do you just want me to drive anywhere?"
"W-Wherever is fine" I said with a faint blush on my cheeks
He started the car and he pulled it out of the driveway

The drive was smooth and the sun was already setting

After a couple of minutes I finally took interest as to where we were going and looked out the window
"Pretty..." I said out loud
We were on a bridge with the sight of building lights reflecting off of the water
"I always pass by here when I want to clear my mind"
I looked over at Levi

" I said out loud We were on a bridge with the sight of building lights reflecting off of the water "I always pass by here when I want to clear my mind"I looked over at Levi

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He was beautiful and handsome.

"Is there something on your mind?" I finally asked him
"You could say, but there's something on your mind. Isn't there?"

"....I went to go see mom..."
"How'd it go" he asked still looking ahead
"I wasn't allowed in..."
"Why?" I saw his head slightly turn to my direction
"....I don't know, all they tell me is that she's doing ok, but I didn't get to see her"
"It's frustrating, it's frustrating that I can't do anything"
"How do you do it?" I asked him
"Do what?"
"Make time for friends and family"
"I don't"
"Eh!? Why?" I asked in shock
"I don't have either"
'That's right...he lost Isabel and his mom.

"What about your dad?" I asked
"I never met him"
"I see"
I looked down
'It's like he's been alone his whole life....'



We drove in silence, but there was something bugging me

"What about Farlan?"
Levi stopped the car when the light turned red
"Hange told you, didn't she?"
"...I pushed him away"
"But why!?"
"After Isabel died I continued working in Star Entertainment, while he quit"
"How do you think he feels? After her death I continue working, he must think I'm a heartless jerk"
"But your not"
He turned his head and looked at me
"...When mother died I was left in the streets...Farlan and Isabel were the ones who stood by my side, even when we got recruited by Erwin"
"They were there for me. But I wasn't there for them..."

We continued to drive in silence until we made it back to the house.

I regretted asking him soo many personal questions
I feel like his whole life has been a tragedy
'But, I feel like he's opened up to me

1 week timeskip
3rd person pov

Levi and Eren were called out to Erwin's office.
The two entered
"Good to see you Eren, and Levi"
Levi rolled his eyes
"What do you want?" He asked rudely
"Please have a seat first"
Eren sat down while Levi remained standing
"What is it you wanted to tell us?" Eren asked
"I want the two of you to play the main characters in the movie we'll be making"
"Both of us?" Eren repeated
"Yes. The two of you will play as gay students trying to fit into society"
Levi remained unfazed by the news but Eren was blushing like crazy
"Why us? Why not get other actors to act this?" Levi glared
"Ever fans found out you were helping Eren during his debut they've been crazy about you two. This movie could be a hit"
"....when's The photo shoot?" Levi questioned already expecting to know the answer
"First thing Tommorow morning"
"You never did plan on discussing this with us, did you?"
Erwin only smiled at Levi's statement

Levi sighed
"Is that it?"
"What else is there?"
"Eren, you already have many fans of your own, so I decided to extend your contract to 4 years"
Both there eyes widened
"But sir!" Eren stood up from his chair to protest
"I haven't been at school for months! I haven't had time for my friends! I haven't even been allowed to see my mom! I still have a life!"
Erwin walked to the door and stopped
"Well you don't really have a say in this matter"
But it was too late.
He had already walked out


"Levi..." Eren called out to Levi for reassurance in a shaky voice
Levi looked up at Eren and noticed his watery eyes
He quickly looked down
"I'm sorry" he told him before walking out as well

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