Fun Date

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Jaebum's POV:

I was seething when I saw that asshole push Yugyeom on the floor. It took everything in me not to spill his blood but I had to take care of Yugyeom first. I can't believe I said I was his boyfriend. If he noticed then he didn't show it. I knew how he felt about people so I didn't want to rush him or anything but my mouth had a mind of it's own. After he explained who that asshole was I understood even more as to why he is so isolated. 

I watch him run to my car as I tried to calm myself. He deserved a nice day and god damnit he was going to get it. 

When I got to the car he was already buckled in and bouncing his leg up and down. I buckled up myself and reached for his hand to get his attention. When he looked over to me I asked if he'd been to the carnival before. 

"Not in a really long time. My mom really liked going so she took me every year."

He let a soft smile land on his face. 

"She must have been really awesome."

"She was. She supported me in everything I wanted. I believed the sky was the limit because of her."

"Well she sounds great. And now you get to go to the carnival again finally. I'm gonna buy all that fun carnival food and we have to play those games."

He let out a soft chuckle.


The drive their was filled with music but there was really no need for a conversation 

When we got there I saw his eyes light up in the mirror. I found a spot to park the car and then we were off to enjoy our date, which he doesn't know it's a date yet. We got our bands for the rides, unlimited of course, and looked around for the first ride. 

Eventually we decided on the pirate ship as a light starter ride. I enjoyed the ride but I barely paid attention to it. I couldn't believe my eyes when I was his smile that wide. It was absolutely mesmerizing. After riding the Tilt-A-Whirl, the giant slide, and the giant swings, we decided to go play some of the games along the way to the food section. I won him a pink bunny and he won me a blue dog. 

I could sense his nervousness when we got to the food so I ordered him a small burger and ordered myself the 3 pound burrito.

As I was eating the burrito he couldn't stop staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"How can you eat all of that? You've almost finished it!"

When I looked down, I saw that he was right. I gave off a sheepish grin.

"I love food too much. Guess I lost myself in it.

"You better not throw up on me when we go on the rollercoaster."

My face paled at the mention of a roller coaster.

"You know I actually heard that all the roller coasters were closed today for maintenance so we shouldn't waste our time with them."

He gave me a steady stare and then his face changed into a smirk.

"Are you scared of roller coasters? The great and fearless Bummie is scared of a roller coaster."

"Those things are death machines. Haven't you ever seen the stories about all those accidents that happens on them. There is no way I am dying this early in my life. I have so many years ahead of me and my mom would be sad and she would have to get a cat to keep her company and-" 

Yugyeom interrupted me with a loud burst of laughter. Apparently he had been laughing so hard at me and my very valid concern that he could no longer keep it silent. There were even tears in his eyes from it.

"Well I'm glad that my concern is so amusing but I am not going."

I crossed my arms with a huff and finished my burrito. 

"You wanted to bring me to the carnival. Therefore you have to give me the full carnival experience. If not then I will walk home right now."

When I looked up I saw his face full of determination. That stubborn bugger. Unfortunately I'm a fucking softy.

"One roller coaster. One! And if we die I will spend eternity as a ghost annoying your ghost."

"Oh how scary. Let's go!"

He dragged me off the chair and to one of the roller coasters. The line was thankfully long so I had time to prepare. When we were up next I could feel my sweaty palms shaking. The terror didn't fully set in until the worker straped us in with only a bar. 

"Why the bloody hell does this thing not have seatbelts?!"

"Oh calm down you big baby. Hold my hand if it'll make you stop whining."

I grabbed onto his arm for dear life.

"If we die, I'll kill you."

My breath quickened as the cart started rolling forward. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for falling out of the cart. Once we got to the top of the hill I knew I was definitely going to lose my dinner.


"Oh god I don't wanna die!"

The ride felt like it went on forever and I very much did lose my dinner, but it was worth the smile on his face when we got off. 

"Come on let's get some cotton candy before we leave."

We bought a giant bag and went on out.

I held his hand the whole way home. Too soon I parked in front of the house. 

"I would kiss your cheek but puke breath is gross."

He let out a light chuckle before letting go of my hand. 

"I'll see you later."

He got out of the car and went inside the house. Later that night while I was sitting with my mom I got a call.



The line went dead. The panic set in.

"Mom we have to go. Call 911!"


Hello my lovelies. I have been a neglectful author and I am so sorry! Next chapter is going to consist of some abuse. Did you really think I was going to make them wait three weeks to live together? I'm not that cruel. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. I wanted to give some "fluff" before I throw you into the drama that the next chapter will consist of. I'll hopefully update within the next week.

Till next time my Lovelies. Stay safe, stay you, and don't let anyone tell you who you are because that is entirely up to you.

Also 1.1k reads! Thank you guys so much! Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would get anywhere near this many reads! 

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