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I was at sea world and got this idea soooo ima do it while I'm in the car back to my hotel
Sea World.
You've never gone because you were so against it but today you had no choice but to go

"Were hereeee!" Your mother yells waking you and everyone else in the car from your nap

You groan while everyone else cheers that the wait is over

You get your mini backpack and hop out the car along with everyone else and after 15 minuets you're are finally in, you're just a bit happy because there're roller coasters I mean it's roller coasters who wouldn't be happy (if you dont like rollercoasters just pretend you do)
"We're going to the shamou show now" you mother yells to the group

This is what you didn't want to do you thought it was wrong but who knows

But maybe you might change your mind

You take your seat everyone wanted to get there early so they could get in the front row but you didn't know why it was so special

"Why are we in the front row again?" You ask slightly irritated because no one has answered your question

"You'll see" your mother says for the 100th time also annoyed

You grumpily cross your arms just waiting for this to be over

The show was pretty cool you had to admit but you still were kinda against it but now there's only five minutes left of the show and you still have no idea why everyone wanted to sit in the front

Six orcas came to your side with there's tails up everyone in your row cheering

Then it hit you they were gonna splash you and it was gonna splash HARD.

"Dude what the fuck" you yell as you try to run up the stairs before the orcas splashed but you being the cluts you are you trip

You were waiting to hit the ground and be completely embarrassed but it didn't you felt to arms swiftly grab you

It was a boy about your age nice curly hair and he was examining your face

But then you were both splashed by the water and you finally break eye contact

"Thanks" you say blushing a bit
"No problem but it looks like both of us didn't accomplish our mission" he says and he was right you both are now soaking wet

You giggle a bit and you look at your clothes while he takes out his phone without you realizing

You see a bright light but when you look it's his phone and you look at him questioningly

"Your number" he says answering a question that you were basically asking in your head

You put it in as f/c/n (funny contact name) and laugh at it a bit

You give it back and he saves it

"Welp I hope I see you again" you say truthfully

"And I'm y/n by the way" you add

"I'm finn" he gives you a warm smile that makes your heart melt-


Wow thanks for ruining the moment

"Okay" you yell back as you step down the stairs you give one last glance at finn and wave and he waves back and you both go your separate ways


That looked better in my head but I mean it is what it is 😊

Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now