Chapter 13

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I called Lala to see where she was at because I was waiting for her. We were suppose to meet about 45 mins ago and still no Lala. It's like every time I tried to call her it would ring and then go to voicemail it was almost like she was blocking my number. We had decided to meet at our favorite spot of all time in Charlotte the infamous "Sugar Skates" bowling alley. Where everybody at one point was making out on the skate rink instead of actually skating. This is where me and Lala came in the summer looking for hot girls too flirt with. We did it every year since we were 15 years old. As I let the memories filled my heart I couldn't help but to get frustrated because I wanted to know what was taking her black ass so long too get here.

20 minuets later

After waiting about an hour waiting for Lala to show up. I finally saw her 2017 Nissan Altima all black with tinted windows. I got out of my car and leaned against the hood while Lala found a parking place close to my car. She knew I was mad as hell with her so, she got out the car with that cheesy ass smile of hers. Low key it made me feel happy inside to see her smile. She walked towards me and I looked at her.

"Sorry Doodlehead I was trying to find something to wear and then bae was over so it was kind of hard" she said

I gave her a fake smile but, it was annoying.

"If that's the case La'Mia why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts" I was annoyed

"First off, don't be calling my government name Kameron and second because my girlfriend had my phone" she rolled her eyes

"You know what I'm not about to argue with you okay I really wanted to see you and not argue"

"Ive been wanting you too as well and I'm sorry I should have texted you back" she said

We hugged and it almost felt like old times. It felt like for an eternity since we both seen each other its almost like we grew distant from each other to make our relationships with our significant others better rather than trying to manage both and our friendship. I knew how Lala felt about Marie and I knew how Marie felt about Lala so I tried to keep them away from each other as possible. Then when it came the Raz I didn't really know her like that but she had told me once before she didn't like how close me and Lala were. So I kept my distance from the one person that meant everything to me.

"So hows work and your relationship going ?" Lala asked

"We're just like any other couple we have our good and bad times but we are working on us. What about you and Raz?"

"We're doing good between her working and me going to school we try and see each other as often as possible" she smiled

I could tell she was happy but, it was apart of me that wanted her not to be. It was very selfish of me because I knew that she would want me to be happy with Marie but, it was something fishy going on that I didn't too much feel right about but, I would never tell her how I felt.

"How's Marie ?" Lala asked

"She good actually she just started her internship at this nice company. Things are looking up for me and her I'm excited" I smiled

I could tell it was getting weird so I asked about Raz.

"So how are you and Raz doing" I asked with a smile

It's like she automatically starting glowing and smiling like a little kid in a candy store.

"She's doing great. She's working and also going to school. So she's super busy at time but, still makes time for me which I love so much." She said

After about a few  hours of us skating and laughing it almost felt like old times with me and Lala but, it's like something wasn't right with us. I knew one thing though I really missed my bestfriend and I really loved hanging out with her even if we didn't see eye too eye most of the time. I smiled with her and had no worries when I was with her. It's like I was at peace with the world as long as my bestfriend was with me. I could tell she missed me as well but, I could tell something was bothering her.

"What's wrong Lala" I asked her

"Oh nothing"

I could tell she was lying all because she looked away. So I asked her once more and I got a response I wasn't looking for.


"Listen I'm sorry I really am and I know I probably hurt you but, that wasn't my intentions at all" I said while giving her a hug

She cried on my shoulder and I embraced her. I could really tell I hurt my bestfriend and that wasn't what I wanted to do because she was really the only person that I trusted and love more than my family. So, I could see where her anger and hurt was coming from. Then, all of a sudden our lips met and the kiss was so passionate it shocked the both of us but at the same time we didn't want it to end. We pulled away from each other and just looked at each other with puzzled looks on our faces. Automatically we just stood there in silence not saying anything in the middle of the skating rink. Finally I spoke up....

"Sorry about that I wasn't trying to do that" I said

"Me either lets not talk about what happened to anyone" she responded

We both agreed to say nothing about this day to anyone. We got our shoes back and headed to our cars. We left the skating rink and headed to get some food.

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