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"I'm just a little self-conscious, Manik. You're so used to pretty, twiggy, tall, tan beauties. I'm just...-"

"You're just you. You're Nandini Murthy and you know what, you be damn proud of that. I will tell you something right now, you are gorgeous. Those other girls aren't. They're twigs, but they probably eat like a three meals a week in total. They're tanned in tanning booths and beautiful from a salon. You? You're gorgeous: a perfect weight that's healthy, adorably short, a respectable tan, and a natural beauty ."

"But so many people-"

"You'll probably laugh at me for quoting Taylor Swift, but who the hell cares? Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine." I sighed as I couldn't contain myself and reached over the center console to hug Manik.

I knew this was a dangerous path I was going down. He's probably said those words to many different girls to encourage them into bed. I'm letting the player play me, but right now I genuinely don't care. For one night, I'm just going to enjoy myself and not worry. About anything; not school, not Mukti, not Albert (my cat back at my parents house), not even my heart.

He hugged me back, too.

"So where to?" I asked as we finally took off.

"Surprise." He said with a grin.

We were getting into the woodsy part of town by now, at about 8.

"I forgot to tell you one thing," Manik said, randomly.

I turned to him. "Yeah?"

"ree was my dad's car, reetika was my mom's name. That's what makes her so special to me."

That actually answers quite a few questions I had about why this car means so much to him. I just gave him a smile in reply.

We backed up into a spot and as soon as we were at a steady stop, I unbuckled.

"Wait!" Manik said. He got out of the car and ran around to my side to open the door.

I very well could've repeated what I did the first time Manik tried to open the door for me, but I decided not to. He was being kind today, I could too.

"Ms. Murthy," he held out one hand and motioned for me to come out of the car with the other. I giggled and took his hand to jump down from the tall truck.

I took in the nature around us; we were on a cliff that was at the end of the forest, trees surrounding us.

"We're gonna watch the stars." He loosely grabbed my hand and took me over to the back of the truck. In the back, there was two blankets (one to lay on and one to stay warm with) , two pillows, and a picnic basket.

He got up and then helped me up.

Stupid shortness.

I sat down with my back against the back of the truck.

"This is beautiful, Manik." I murmured, absentmindedly.

He sighed as he sat down next to me. "Not as beautiful as you." And he draped on arm over my shoulder.

Let loose, Nandini .

"Cheesy." I rolled my eyes teasingly.

The night continued on peacefully. We both had had a peanut butter sandwich from the nice picnic packed by Dhruv's girlfriend.

"I want to meet Dhruv's family." I spoke my random thoughts.

"In a few weekends, Cabir and I are taking a trip to Dhruv's place if you wanted to come. I'm pretty sure Alia would love to meet you; Cabir and I don't bring a whole lot of girls around for her to meet."

"Cool." I grinned.

Never mind the fact that he just said he doesn't bring girls around a whole lot. What made me so special to go to Dhruv's?

A few more minutes of silence passed, until Manik heaved out an exasperated sigh.

"You think I'm playing with you don't you?" He asked. "Like, because of my player-ways?"

I shrugged. "Kind of."

"I'm not going to lie to you, Nandini. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. But as soon as I figure that out, I'll let you know." I appreciated his honesty. My biggest fear, at the moment, is getting hurt through all of this. Though, the fear wasn't enough to get me to walk away.

"Until then..." He trailed off with his usual award-winning smirk. "Friends?" He held out his pinky finger, as if for a pinky promise.

"Friends." I agreed and wrapped my lanky pinky around his bulky one.

As a gust of wind flew by, I shivered. Nights can get cold in California.

Manik pulled me closer to his side and I looked up at him as he did so. By the look on his face, it's like he did it without even realizing he did so.

Manik's POV-

What am I doing here, honestly? By being here with Nandini so close to me, I hated myself for not knowing what I wanted from this.

Is Cabir right? Do I like her? Or is she just another girl I want to be with for a single night? I don't get this feelings shit.

When the beautiful, small girl shivered under my arm, I pulled her closer to my side to give off more of my body warmth. Normally, I wouldn't do that to the girls I sleep with. But then again, I wouldn't be here on a date with the girls that I just intend to sleep with.

"Hey, Manik," nandini said, taking me out of my thoughts. "Why are you treating me differently?"

"The best reason I can give you because you're different from those other girls." I admitted. "Can you do me a favor?"


"Stop calling me Manik all the time. You can call me Mani or something."

"Okay." She laughed. I gave her a half-smirk, but I feel like it turned out to resemble a grin more than anything.

But, I didn't mind.

There's not much left that I'm keeping from her, so may as well take my real smile off that list.
Here you guys go with another update full of Manan!! Hope you guys like it and lemme know if you do or do not in the comment section down below.
Also I am sorry for not replying you guys in the previous parts, I am just a lil busy, but I will try to give regular updates from now on and replies tooo, hahaha!

Manan FF- BAD BOY LOVES ME ( 15/40 parts Updated) Where stories live. Discover now