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Cabir: where are you?
Me: my place. I got a new key.
Cabir: 😏😏
Me: whatever. Bye.

Nandini said we're going to start doing three times a week of tutoring from now on, so hopefully I get a better score on my finals.
Those tests will do one of two things - make or break my grade.
The added on third date, we agreed, would be any other day during the week we're available for a session. We were going to do today, but she had pre-made plans with Mukti; therefore, we ended up agreeing on tomorrow.

Nandini's POV-

"Where to first?" Mukti asked beside me in the car in the drivers seat.

"How about a movie?"

"We could see 22 Jump Street - Channing Tatum, yum - or The Fault In Our Stars - Augustus Waters, awe."

"I really want to see The Fault In Our Stars, honestly."

"Me too. It's supposed to be really sad, but really cute."

So from there, we went to see The Fault In Our Stars in the theatre.

John Green has ruined my definition of a perfect guy - now it's someone just like Augustus Waters, but I won't ever find anyone like Gus because he's perfection and perfect isn't real!
Mukti and I came to an agreement we wouldn't to order ourselves an Augustus Waters from Amazon.

After the movie, since Mukti and I had stupidly worn make up to a terribly sad movie, we decided to go back to the dormitory. We didn't want to go anywhere looking like raccoons.

When we arrived back to our room, we took turns in the bathroom to wash the smeared makeup off of our face.

"So..." I trailed off as she started to paint my nails a dark royal purple. "How are things going with Abhi?"

"Our friends with benefits is going just fine." She replied pointedly.

"Mukti, don't lie to me. There's got to be something more."

"No." I gave her a challenging look to prove that I could see right through her. "No...I don't know, maybe! Okay, yes! I like him, Nandu. I know he likes me, but we're scared we might unintentionally hurt the other. We don't want our friendship to be over." She heaved out a stressed sigh.

"Sometimes, if you really like a person, you have to be fearless. You can't be scared of getting hurt. You have to take the chance." Sources: personal experience.

"It's just hard, ya know?"

"Oh, I know."

"Why do I feel like that has a double meaning?" I shrugged for a reply. "Nandini moorthy, spill."

"mukti..." I murmured. "I think I like Manik Malhotra ." Mukti's eyes grew so wide. She was clearly mind blown. "I know you don't like him and I know you think he's a bad guy, but the truth is he's just a little misunderstood." I defended him.

Mukti knew the facts that everybody else from their high school knew - he was a player, but nobody knew why. Nobody besides two. And now three.

"I don't know how to feel about this guy because clearly he has more secrets than I presumed. So, I guess I will have to trust your judgement." I smiled at her.

"That's why I know what it's like to be afraid that you'll get hurt. I don't know if Manik will hurt me. I don't. But I'm willing to find out. That's just how much I like him."

"My little sister is falling in love." She squealed.

I rolled my eyes and fought to kept the smile off my face. "I don't love Manik malhotra ."
"Denial... Sweet, sweet denial." I didn't push that end of the conversation any further.

"Well, you love Abhimanyu..." I taunted.

Mukti rolled her eyes. "Very original."

"What I'm known for." I winked.

"Wow, I love you." She chuckled. I winked playfully and said it back.

The rest of our night was full of laughter and smiles.

I really did love Mukti as if she was the older sister I never had. She and I are closer than I ever was with my friends back home in Colorado.

After college, I don't think I'll go back to Colorado. I love California too much. It's a plus one that this happens to be Mukti's home-state. I couldn't picture myself living away from Mukti and her not being in my life. Meeting her was a blessing, even if I do hate her at times for being up so early all of the time. Besides, everybody hates their sister at times for being annoying.

The clock barely made it to 11 and Mukti was already out.

Not that I would admit this aloud, but I really missed Manik. All my Friday classes were cancelled today, no tutoring, and it was my girls day, which meant no interaction with Manik at all today.

I sighed and looked at my phone. My lock screen was a picture Cabir had sent me - it was of Manik and I laughing during one of the tutoring sessions. So simple, yet it was adorable. I had just changed it yesterday night, so Manik hasn't seen it. I don't want him to either, it's kind of embarrassing. He may think I'm weird and obsessive.

"Nandu ," I heard a groggy mumble from Mukti's bed. "Stop fuckin' sighing and just go see the boy already." I bit my lip to keep the sigh from escaping me. "Go, Nandini , or I'll call him over myself."

I sighed and stood up from my bed. I took my LHS hoodie and pulled it over my head to protect me from the cool, California night.

I walked to the boys dormitories quietly with my hands in the pocket/pouch of my hoodie.

I hope Manik doesn't hurt me.
He doesn't know it yet, but I've only known him for roughly two months, and I've already fallen so hard.

As I was walking, I saw Cabir. Well, he saw me first if we're being technical.

"Nandini!" I looked up and gave him a lopsided, half-smile. "What're you doing out here so late?"

"I guess I could say the same to you."
"I asked you first."

"I'm actually coming by in hopes that Manik is still awake and I can say hi."

Cabir smirked. "He's awake. I just got off the phone with him actually. I'm out here because he said he forgot his charger in his car and he'd give me five hundred if I went and got it."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you later, Cabir."

"See ya." He chuckled.

The ride up to Manik's dorm was silent seeing as I was the only one on the elevator. Though the elevator was silent, my mind was running wild as it recalled the memory of Manik and I nearly kissing right here in this very elevator.

After that kiss last night, I wish we had kissed sooner. I wish we'd kiss again.

I hesitantly knocked on the door.

He says he goes to sleep pretty quickly at night - which means he's not usually up this late. I hope he's not in a bad mood. Guys are always asses when they're in bad moods and cranky.

Manik opened it with his eyes tired, but when he acknowledged who it was a spark of happiness seemed to light within him. A small grin made it's way onto his lips, until he shook it away.

Then it all happened in the blink of an eye.

He had me pinned against the wall outside of his dorm late at night. He was staring down at me angrily. I was confused to say the least - one minute he's smiling, the next he's angry?

"Are you okay, Manik?" I asked quietly.

"No," He shook his head. "Pissed." I was about to ask why but then he continued. "I'm supposed to be a player, Nandini." He groaned. "But here you are, fucking making me fall for you."

What had I done to make him fall for me?

Then he smashed his lips onto mine.

Of course, I kissed him back.

That's what you do when you know you're falling for someone right?

And falling for Manik Malhotra , I am.
Next update, not soon because I am not getting good response!!! 🙈

Manan FF- BAD BOY LOVES ME ( 15/40 parts Updated) Where stories live. Discover now