You were at home being a couch potato and watching your favorite Netflix tv show, until you disturbed by your best friend.
Y/N: But we went there yesterday.
Y/N: I do.
B/F/N: Seriously!
Y/N: Okay. I'm going.
B/F/N: Yes thank you Y/N!!!!
Y/N: Let's go before I change my mind.
B/F/N: Let's go!!!!
~At the festival~
B/F/N: Guess who got backstage passes and front rows seats!!!Y/N: No coupons?
B/F/N: For what?
Y/N: For food!
B/F/N: Oh yeah that too.
Y/N: Okay I'm good
B/F/N: Come we're going to be late!!!
~A few songs later~
HanYu: All the backstage passes can come!
Y/B/N: Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Y/N: I hope there's food cause I'm hungry
Y/N: knows he's Chinese
Y/B/N: I know ahh!!! He's right there! Let's go Y/N I finally gathered all my boldness to go talk to him
Y/N: Wait so you actually met him and had a chance to talk to him? Cause if you did why did you bring me with you!!!
Y/B/N: Hi Zihao! I'm Y/B/N and this is my best friend Y/N.
Y/N: Nice to meet you. *you reach out your hand for him to shake*
Zihao: Nice to meet you too! *Shakes your hand*
Your friend needed to go to the bathroom and she was so sad because she had to leave her bias Zihao
Zihao: Sooo...wanna go out for lunch?
Y/N: Sure I'm pretty hungry. Wait let me text my friend first.
You texted Y/B/F/ that you went to go eat with Zihao at the festival. She texted back that
Y/B/F: Y/N you're so lucky he asked you out!
You frowned and thought did I get tricked into going on a date?
Y/N: Zihao!
Y/N: Did you trick me into having a date with you?
Zihao: Uhhh...maybe...yes
Y/N: I'm taking as a yes and I'll let you off the hook. You're lucky. Let's go before I change my mind.
Zihao: Okay lets go!
~At the end of the day~
Zihao: Come on I wanna show something!Y/N: Okay! Okay! Woah it's so pretty.
You two stand at the edge of a cliff and see the sunset.
Zihao: Y/N here are flowers for you
You accepted his flowers and kisses him on the cheek. He blushed really hard.
Y/N: It's perfect *as you hold his hand*