E6P8: "Messed Up Big Time"

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[Heart Signal Panel]

Narrator: Did you see the heart signals? Predict the residents' love lines using what you have observed today. Today's question will be answered as a group.

 Today's question will be answered as a group

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Jongshin: Today sure was eventful.
Sangmin: You don't say, hyung. I didn't even have time to get over the romantic "Spring Day" scene and I got attacked again by Jimin-ssi's drunk scene.
Eana: Well, I know one thing for sure is that today is going to be tough. Shall we start with the girls first today?
Jongshin: Alright, firstly, we have Moon Byulyi-ssi.
Jaewoong: I'm sure after hearing Moon Byulyi-ssi's conversation with her friend today, we're all pretty sure she's gonna change her course to Min Yoongi-ssi right?
V: Yes. Let's do it.
Jongshin draws an arrow from Byulyi to Yoongi.

Jongshin draws an arrow from Byulyi to Yoongi

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Sangmin: Next, we have Lee Jieun-ssi. Today, we didn't get to see much of Jieun-ssi.
Jongshin: You're right. RM-ssi, you're so sharp - did you see anything?
RM: I personally felt like other than Jimin-ssi looking upset when Jungkook-ssi and Yoojung-ssi walked in, I feel like Jieun-ssi did look a bit off.
Jaewoong: Did she?
A clip focusing on Jieun plays on the screen. While all the other members other than Jimin looked happy about their return, Jieun looked down at the cutlery in her hands and continued to lay the table. The clip ends and the panelists wow at RM's amazing observation skills.
Sangmin: What about her interactions with Seokjin-ssi tonight though?
RM: They were indeed few. When she had a chance to walk past Seokjin-ssi to get into the kitchen or the empty side, she chose the empty side as well.
J-Hope: What? When?
A clip plays and once again, the panelists realise that RM was right. They all exclaim.
J-Hope: What even? Are you psychic or what?
Jongshin: So Jeon Jungkook-ssi it is then?
Jongshin receives everyone's approval and draws an arrow from Jieun to Jungkook.

J-Hope: What even? Are you psychic or what?Jongshin: So Jeon Jungkook-ssi it is then?Jongshin receives everyone's approval and draws an arrow from Jieun to Jungkook

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