10. Spirits World [unedited]

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Chapter 10: Spirits World.


Day 1

Darkness. That's all she saw as she traveled to this mystery place Mitsuki spoke of. There, in the distance Ty-Lee saw a light. It grew bigger and bigger until she was surrounded by a beautiful land. It was sunset which made it look all the more beautiful. She wished Shang could see this. But she had to get moving. She reached in that bag Mitsuki had given her and pulled out a map. She quickly found the spot that had 'You will land here,' Written on it and traced with her finger the path she would take. "Hmm," She pondered. "I need a compass," She reached into the bag but surprisingly she couldn't find a compass. She dug around but there wasn't any. "Ah, don't tell me she didn't pack a compass!" She said in frustration. She set the bag down with a sigh as she slumped to her knees. A gentle breeze blew her way and she heard the faint noises of people just over the ridge. There had to be a town or something over there. Then she got an idea. She would go to town and buy a compass. So she headed for the town.

"Alright Aang," Mitsuki climbed aboard her giant spirit dragon while Aang hopped aboard Appa. "Now I want you to go home and wait for my return, I will go defeat Great Terror," Aang was skeptical at first. "All alone?" He said with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, all alone, but I can handle it," She said independently. "I promise," She added if he had any concern left. "Yea but-" Aang protested. "But I'll have the spirits on my side, everything will be fine," She said with a quirky smile. Aang smiled too. "Alright, I'll see you hopefully soon," Mitsuki pulled the rains and the dragon lifted off the ground. "Soon enough!" She called with a wave as they flew off into the distance. Aang went home.

"Aang!" Katara's arms flew around his neck as he walked through the door. "I was so worried, I thought something might've gone wrong! Are you ok?" She asked frantically. Aang put his hands to her waist and pulled her back. "Everything is fine," He said with a half smile. "Where's Ty-Lee?" Shang's voice called from the hallway. Aang wasn't quite sure what to say. He'd have to tell him the truth. "It's a long, weird, somewhat crazy story," He said attempting to lighten the mood. "Tell me," Shang challenged. Aang nodded and they walked to the study so they could talk.

Ty-Lee panted heavily as she walked around the mountain. She finally caught sight of the little town not far from where she stood. She smiled to herself and headed down. The village rested in the valley by the mountains, it was very quaint. As she entered the town limits some people began to stare at her. Of course she must seem strange to them, they all looked weird. They had bright colored hair, oddest thing she'd ever seen. She was the only normal one so of course they'd stare. She just ignored them and walked on. The noises of goats and sheep being crowded in pens rang out through the entire place. Most people stopped to watch their strange visitor but others merely glanced at her and walked on. Ty-Lee decided to try a store selling vases and ask where she could find a place that sold compasses. "Hi," She began. The shopkeeper gave her a strange look. "I'm looking for a place that sells compasses, do you know where I might find it?" She asked casually. The man laughed. "You're not from around here are you?" He said bluntly. "Why, no, just passing through," Ty-Lee stumbled. "We don't have compasses here missy, we have guides." He explained. Guides? "As in tour guide?" She asked aloud. He laughed again. "Wow, you really don't know anything about us," He had blue hair. Of course she'd never heard of blue haired people. "Over there," He pointed across the street."At the stables you'll find your guide," He said. "And another thing," She stopped in her tracks turning to face him. "Be careful, it's hunting season if you go out to the woods," He chuckled. "You're in for it," Ty-Lee nodded and turned on her heel heading for the stables. The man there was kind and friendly. "So, Mitsuki sent you huh?" Ty-Lee stopped short. How did he know? "Uh, what makes you say that?" She asked nervously. "Well, you've got her mark," He said putting a finger to his forehead indicating that this 'mark' he spoke of was on her forehead. She instinctively looked up, but she couldn't see her forehead. "Mark?" She question. The boy smiled. He looked to be about Mitsuki's age, maybe a little older, and he had white hair like she did. But near the back he had some black hair underneath. This place was strange but nonetheless Ty-Lee would have to get used to it. "Never mind, uh did you say you wanted a guide? Back here, follow me," He led her outback where there was a fence filled with strange glowing lights. As they got closer Ty-Lee realized they weren't lights, they were people! Strange people, they were as small as her palm and they glowed different colors as they floated by. "Here you are, all the guides we have," He said with a smile. "Take your pick," He said extending his arm in a wide circle. She stepped forward and went strait for a pink one. "It's so cute!" She said holding it in her hands. The being smiled at her fondly. "She likes you," The manager said. "What's your name?" Ty-Lee asked suddenly curious. "Temeharo," He answered. "And how do you know Mitsuki?" She questioned. Temeharo frowned. "I knew her from another mission, long ago, but that's over now," He said in a sad tone. Ty-Lee had obviously brought up things from the past he'd like to forget. "She was so-" He began but couldn't find the words to continue. "Beautiful," Ty-Lee barely caught him whisper. She smiled to herself. So he was in love with her. Maybe she didn't love him back, or couldn't love him back, he seemed so sad, and hurt about it. "But the past is the past can't change that, and besides, I think falling was a good move for her, she's got you now, maybe she'll become permanent." He said gazing off into the distance. What was he talking about? Ty-Lee didn't understand what he meant at all. Mitsuki fell? From what? And what does 'Maybe she'll become permanent' mean anyway? "I'll tell you what," Temeharo cut unto her thoughts. "I'll give you the guide free of charge," Ty-Lee was about to protest but he put up a hand silencing her. "Because you're a friend of Mitsuki's," He said with final decision. Ty-Lee nodded accepting the gift with a smile. As she left the little guide spoke, "Hallo," It said still smiling. "Hello," Ty-Lee replied. The little guide floated up beside her shoulder and followed her. "And what is your name?" Ty-Lee asked curiously. The guide laughed. "Guides don't have names," She explained. "But I am called guide # 347, I suppose you can call me 3 for short," The guide laughed. "Ok, 3" Ty-Lee said trying it out. "I know your name," 3 said excitedly. "It's Ty-Lee," She smiled as Ty-Lee gave her an odd look. "I knew the moment you held me in your palms," 3 told her. "Us guides can do that," Ty-Lee laughed. "That's very interesting 3," She said as they walked along. "We can also tell directions, North, South, East, and West," Ty-Lee lit up with excitement. So this was why they didn't have compasses. "What are you gonna name your baby?" 3 asked bluntly. "Uh-well-" Ty-Lee stumbled. "I don't know," She answered finally. 3 was confused however. "But, you only have five months till its born, and you don't even have a name yet?" She questioned. This 'guide' seemed to know a lot about her without even asking. "Well, no, I don't know if it's going to be a girl or a boy so I'm not sure on the name yet," Ty-Lee explained as best she could. 3 understood now. Humans couldn't tell what their baby's were gonna be. She smiled mysteriously as she knew its gender. "Ah, I'd forgotten humans didn't know until after the baby was born if it'd be a boy or girl," Ty-Lee gave her a curious look. "So people here can?" She asked as they proceeded north as the map had shown. 3 giggled. "Yep," The little spirit guide replied. "And we're not people, we're spirits," 3 Corrected her. "There's lots of things we can do that humans can't," Ty-Lee nodded with a curious expression. "Where exactly am I?" She asked suddenly growing curiouser. "You're in the spirit world of Keonama, and by the looks of that map I'm guessing you're going to see Madame Visulè."

"Uh, I guess so, if that's where this map leads," Ty-Lee answered a bit unsure. "Well, lets get going, we're losing daylight," 3 guided Ty-Lee through a thick forest of jungle-like trees. They continued on a steady pace north-bound following Mitsuki's map. Ty-Lee wondered how Mitsuki was doing with the whole defeating The Great Terror and all. Hopefully she was winning.

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