Chapte 1:the begining

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I wake up and scream. Pain go's to my leg. I can't move it. "Serenity what's wrong?" I hear Minka ask. "I can't move my leg. I think it's broken!" A normal person would just tell me to go back to sleep its not possible but not Minka this has happened before. She runs down stairs and gets the master of the house. 20 minuets later I'm in the emergence room getting x-rays done on my leg. "Yep, it's broken." The doctor tells us. "Can you put a cast on it school starts tomorrow and she has to be there." "Yes I can I'm a doctor you know, but I have another person waiting." As I'm rolled out of the room I see a boy. He's in a wheel chair too. "I wonder what happened to him?" I say on accident a little too loud because once I say it he turns to see me. He looks to be around my age. "I should say the same." He says and with that we leave the hospital. Later that night laying in bed thinking of how handsome is was with his pink hair. I wonder if he was born with it like me?



"Wow! It's midnight already !" I say to Mike "Yea time flys when your putting up a book case." He says joking around. "Okay, let's put this one shelf on and go to bed." "Fine by me." As I'm putting the shelf on I loose my balance and fall to the floor and then the book case falls on my leg. "Ahhh" I scream. When Mike finally gets the case off of me I say "I can't move it. Go get dad!" A normal brother would but not Mike "Hell no!" He says as he pulls me over his shoulder and brings me down stairs to the car. When we get to the hospital he puts me in a wheel chair and wait. "The doctor is busy right now." We were told. Soon later I hear a girl say "I wonder what happened to him?" I turn around to see a girl around my age in a wheel chair like me. "I should say the same." And with that they leave.

later that night after I'm home and have a cast on. I'm thinking about that girl. There's something about her. It's like I've known her my whole life! She was very pretty. And those green eyes and blue hair. Maybe she's like me and was born with it?

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