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A request for btslover287



12:42 AM

  "Thank everything holy! It's Friday!" Yoongi shouts. He was surrounded by five other boys, all of them wore their uniforms as they want.

  "Yoongi-hyung~" A sweet voice called.

  The said male turned his head and saw his boyfriend, "Hoseokie! C'mere!"

  Hoseok quickly runs to him, tackling the shorter.

  "Look at them sprouting rainbows all over the place." A hater mumbles.

  The school they attended was an all boys school, and being one of the three gay couples in the school was difficult.

  Everyday they would receive criticism, hate and bullying.

  But their gang was always watching their backs.

  And that was what happened.

  There were suddenly ship wars inside the cafeteria, and the teachers don't even care.

  The couple- Yoonseok- tiptoes out of the cafeteria and skips the rest of the classes.

  They went to dates, pranked their bullies, helped stray animals and just spent time together.

9:45 PM

  The group was now reunited, and have been on a road trip since 5:00. They were riding Taehyung's van and right now, they had no plan on stopping their euphoria.

  They stopped by the gasoline station, ate and fueled, they took turns driving. Except for Namjoon.

  If Namjoon ever drove, may luck be on their side.

11:57 PM

  Tomorrow was Hoseok and Yoongi's 3rd Anniversary, and they were gonna celebrate.

  But at exactly 12:00, everything came crashing down. They were going down hill, when a truck came speeding towards them. The road was foggy, the floor slippery and it rained down hard.

  They caught a glimpse of a sleeping driver and the cargo was bottles of beer.

  When the truck suddenly turned the trays were thrown out and the beer bottles hit the windows of Taehyung's van.

  The smell of alcohol filled the air, and the taste of an irony liquid filled Yoongi's mouth. The couple in the back, Jungkook and Taehyung, was a little bit more fortunate, they were only hit by a few glass shards.

  The others however, were more unfortunate. Yoongi, who was driving at that time, got hit by a beer bottle on the head, and Hoseok who was next to him hit his head on a shattered window.

  Namjoon who was next to a window, was majorly injured when he used his own body to protect Jin and Jimin. The two had left the accident fine, except for a few scratches and bruises, and a memory they never want to relive.

5:43 AM

  The group were in the hospital, the truck driver died due to breaking his neck. Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon was all in a 3 months comma.

  Well that was what the doctors said.

  They operated the three, got blood samples and all that, but they still haven't informed them any good news.

  The rest of the group wouldn't leave the three's room, except for when one of them would buy food or use the bathroom.

  Hoseok was the first to wake up, his eyes were dull, and his mind was hazy.

  But there was a name he remembered.


  Hoseok  didn't know who it was, but he seemed important.

  Yoongi was the last to wake, and it was three months after Hoseok did, and a month after Namjoon woke.

  Hoseok was creeped out when the short male suddenly hugged him.


  "I'm sorry but... I don't know you..."


  Okay! So that's it. I know it's short, but I kinda made it that way. Again, this is for, btslover287

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