|"Stay with me?"|VKook|

43 3 2

Depressed! Taehyung

A request from Araya_Undomiel


It was a silent night.

Eclipse was beginning.

   Taehyung looked out the window, seeing the beautiful stars that formed images. He was waiting for Jungkook to come home, he had already set up the things they needed for game night. He hoped that Jungkook would come back home faster, the thoughts were starting to eat him up. He remembered the blood on his hands when he stabbed a young man he had gotten in a fight with.

   He remembered the male's pale skin being painted with red, his deep black eyes glossing over when he looked at Taehyung. His lips contorted in a pained scowl, his veiny hand gripped his deep wound which gushed out blood. His mint colored hair covered a bit of his eyes, Taehyung just stood there, trying to wrap his head in the idea of him stabbing a person. He snapped back to reality when he heard a loud thud. He rushed the guy to the hospital, lying to the doctors and nurses like he was born reciting what he said. A few days later, the mint haired male woke up.

  He looked at the person who had stabbed him and smiled. Stupid. He thought. Then another male with coconut hair and four other people burst through the door.

  "What happened?!" A guy with brown hair and broad shoulders asked. "What stupid thing did you do again?!" A male with purple hair sighed, "Jin calm down."

  "No! I will not calm down Namjoon! Yoongi got stabbed. He got stabbed Namjoon, stabbed. " He exclaims. The two starts arguing. An orange haired male notices a figure sitting beside Yoongi and walks over to it.

  They had gotten a call at 2:30 AM, saying that their friend had been stabbed in a back alley fight.

  But now, 3 years later, the seven were best friends. How Young came to forgive him was a big question in Taehyung's mind.

  A knock on his door snapped him back to reality. "Taehyungie~ I'm home~"

  Tawhyung ran over to the person and showed a big smile. "Hi! Ready for game night? " He asks.

  "You bet I am. I bought your favorite  chips, a couple sodas and snacks. Can't have game night without food, right?" Jungkook said.

  "Yeah! Now let's get going!" The older male exclaims.

  They stayed up until 3 having fun as if it was their last happy memories together. Then time came and they got sleepy, going to their shared bed they slept like babies. Until one woke up, the other not noticing.

5:21 AM

  He walked to the rooftop, sat on the edge, seeing the light of the cars and streetlights in the still busy streets of Seoul. He dangled his feet off the edge,  his hands gripped the concrete. He started singing softly, his voice heard only by him. That was when his thoughts invaded his young mind.

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